7 Types of Car Accidents and Tips to Prevent Them

No one wants to get into a car accident, and yet they happen everywhere, every day. Sometimes, it's due to driver error. Sometimes it's not. Regardless of who or what is at fault, there are many different ways that you can get into a car accident.
The good news is that there are many different ways to prevent an accident from happening in the first place.
Rear-End Collisions
Most people have been rear-ended or have been the one doing the rear-ending at least once. The most common reasons behind frequent rear-end collisions include:
Distracted driving
Following too closely
Aggressive driving
Driving under the influence
Driving while tired
You can't control what other people do on the road, but by being more aware of what's going on around your vehicle, you may be able to avoid a rear-end collision.
For example, if someone is following you too closely, get in another lane and let them go around you. It's a good idea to get out of the way if someone is coming up fast behind you, or if you notice the driver behind you is talking on their phone.
Side-Impact Collisions
Side-impact crashes are most common at four-way intersections. They can also be extremely deadly. It's estimated there are over 1,000 injury crashes every single day at signaled intersections across the United States, with 7 of them being fatal.
Many side-impact collisions happen in the evening when drunk drivers are out and about. If you can avoid driving after 10:00 PM, you can decrease your chances of getting into an accident.
Intersections on highways can be especially deadly. Be extra cautious when turning, and be aware when you're approaching a lighted intersection on the highway. By being aware of your surroundings, you can slow down, stop, or drive through an intersection safely.
The most common cause of a sideswipe accident is when a driver attempts to merge into another lane without checking their blind spot first. It can happen in town, but it has especially disastrous consequences when you're on the interstate. Sideswipe accidents often result in injuries like whiplash, broken bones, and traumatic brain injuries.
The best way to avoid a sideswipe accident is to check your blind spot before merging into another lane. You should move your mirrors too. Adjust them to reduce blind spot areas along the sides of your vehicle. Then, signal a few moments before you merge to give others around you enough time to react.
You should also keep an eye on the cars around you. If someone starts to drift into your lane, you'll want to slow down or speed up to get around them. And don't be afraid to honk to let another driver know you're in their blind spot as they are trying to merge!
Head-On Collision
Head-on crashes are extremely deadly. They are also some of the easiest types of collisions to avoid.
Common causes of head-on collisions include:
Distracted driving
Driving while intoxicated
Drowsy driving
Illegal passing
Reckless driving
Driver confusion is also a common cause of head-on collisions. They happen when drivers accidentally travel the wrong way down one-way roads.
If you're in an unfamiliar area and traveling on interstates and highways, make sure you have your GPS on. Not only will it tell you exactly where to turn, it can also alert you if you're driving the wrong way down the road.
Roll-Over Accidents
Although roll-over accidents aren't as common as some other types of accidents, they can cause some serious injuries. It's well worth your time to know a little bit more about them so you can avoid rolling your car in the future.
Always follow the speed limit, especially around curves, as it's easy to roll a car if you take a turn too fast. Make sure you're alert and aware of your surroundings too. Accidentally hitting the curb or a ditch can be enough to shift your vehicle's weight to one side and cause it to roll.
The weather can be a serious factor in roll-over accidents. If the road is covered in rain, snow, or ice, you need to slow down. It's easy to lose control of your car when the roads are slippery, making it easy to skid off the road and roll your car.
Multi-Vehicle Accidents
Multi-vehicle accidents include three or more vehicles and often happen because of a rear-end accident. The person sandwiched between the two vehicles can easily suffer catastrophic injuries. It's even worse if more than three vehicles are involved.
Being aware of everything that is happening on the road ahead of you is the best way to avoid getting into a multi-vehicle accident. If you see a problem up ahead, you can give yourself plenty of time to stop.
Keeping your distance can help too. Plan to keep at least a three-second stopping distance between you and the car ahead of you. That way, if they slam on their brakes, you have time to stop your car too.
Single-Car Accidents
Single-car accidents are accidents that only involve one car. These types of accidents involve minor crashes, like running into an unopened garage door, but they also have the potential to be deadly.
Hitting solid objects, like a tree, can be especially deadly. Hitting a fallen object on the road or an animal, like a deer, can also result in serious injuries.
Many single-car accidents happen when the driver of the vehicle is impaired or distracted in some way. Don't drink and drive, don't drive drowsy, and avoid using your cell phone when driving your car to prevent getting into a single-car accident.
None of us wants to think about what would happen if we got into a car accident, but knowing all the different ways you could get into a crash can be very helpful. By knowing the types of accidents you could experience on the road, you can learn exactly how to reduce your chances of getting into a crash in the first place.
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