Donald Trump, the former president, launched a scathing attack on actor Robert De Niro following the latter's contentious conference outside a Manhattan courthouse on Tuesday.

De Niro's event, marked by disruptions and hecklers, drew sharp criticism from conservatives and led to a heated exchange between him and Trump supporters, Fox News reports.

In a post on his Truth Social account around 12:45 AM Wednesday, Trump derided De Niro as "pathetic" and a "wacko," highlighting the actor's diminishing stature since entering the political arena.

The confrontation between Trump and De Niro underscores the ongoing animosity between the two figures.

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De Niro's Dramatic Appearance

Robert De Niro's appearance outside the courthouse marked a dramatic shift in Joe Biden's campaign strategy.

After weeks of staying clear of the courthouse, Biden's team seized the opportunity to hold their own event, aiming to counter Donald Trump's narrative and address the stakes of the upcoming election.

Joined by Biden campaign surrogates, including former police officers Michael Fanone and Harry Dunn, De Niro delivered impassioned remarks against Trump's presidency.

Despite disruptions from Trump supporters, De Niro remained steadfast in his condemnation of Trump's leadership, according to Politico.

The Biden campaign's decision to hold a surprise press conference near the courthouse reflects a strategic shift to break through the media coverage dominated by the Trump hush money trial.

By bringing out De Niro and other prominent figures, the campaign sought to redirect attention to key issues and rally support ahead of the election.

While De Niro's presence garnered significant media attention, the Biden team refrained from directly addressing the ongoing legal proceedings against Trump.

Instead, they focused on highlighting Biden's policy priorities and contrasting them with Trump's agenda.

Donald Trump's Response

Trump's response to De Niro's appearance was swift and vehement.

He ridiculed the actor's stature and criticized his involvement in politics, portraying De Niro as a fading figure seeking relevance through political activism.

The exchange between Trump and De Niro underscores the deep polarization in American politics.

Inside the courthouse, Trump's defense team continued to challenge the prosecution's case, emphasizing the credibility of key witnesses and disputing the allegations against Trump.

As the Trump hush money trial entered its closing arguments, tensions remained high both inside and outside the courtroom, The Hill noted.

The jury is currently deliberating on whether Trump should be convicted on charges related to alleged falsification of business documents during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The outcome of the trial has significant implications for Trump's political future and the broader landscape of American politics.

The clash between Donald Trump and Robert De Niro outside the Manhattan courthouse reflects the intense political division gripping the nation.

As the trial continues, both sides are fiercely contesting the narrative, with the outcome poised to shape the trajectory of American politics in the coming years.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

WATCH: Robert De Niro spars with bystander during remarks outside Trump trial - From CNN