Klepper spoke with Trump supporters ahead of their dear leader's upcoming debate with President Joe Biden. As usual, Trump supporters were more than willing to talk to him and then get exposed about how flawed their logic actually is.

The comedian asked them about a variety of issues, from Biden's debate with Trump and the former president now being a convicted felon after losing in his porn star hush money trial. One Trump supported admitted she previously donated for Trump's reelection fight, right after he lost the trial and vowed that she would do so again. Jordan Klepper then asked her why.

Klepper then asked for her to clarify what she said, asking, "You're sick and tired of your money going to people who committed crimes?"

"That's right," she answered, with Huffington Post pointing out the irony as she has been donating thousands of dollars to Donald Trump, a convicted felon who has been found guilty of breaking campaign finance laws, as well as being found liable for sexual assault.

Meanwhile, another female Trump supporter showed that despite being shown the facts regarding Donald Trump, she does not care and claimed that it was "like if you have a child and they pull some shenanigan. You don't like what they do, you love the person, but you don't necessarily like what they do."

Jordan Klepper immediately jumped on this and asked, "The child analogy is kind of perfect, but to be clear, we are talking about the person you want to be president?" She answered, "I want him to be president, yes."

Other Pranksters Also Targeting Trump Supporters and Exposing Them

While Jordan Klepper made pranking and exposing Trump supporters mainstream, others are also doing it, including YouTubers like Jason Selvig, who is one-half of The Good Liars comedy duo.

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One of the people he interviewed was a man wearing a shirt that showed Trump urinating on the CNN logo, so Selvig asked him about his shirt. The man then railed about "fake news CNN," and claimed that Trump will "cook them" and "shred them" like "a turkey" when the network hosts the first Biden Vs. Trump debate for the 2024 rematch.

The YouTuber then asked him "what specifically" the network has lied about, to which the man admitted, "I don't know. I don't watch it."

"All right, well, you got a shirt that's just peeing on it, and you call it fake news. So what specifically have they lied about? What makes them fake news?" asked Selvig as a follow-up question. To which, the man replied, "I don't know, I don't watch it. I watch Fox News."

"Right. But you call them fake news. Why do you think they're fake news? What are they saying that's fake?" asked Selvig again, to which the man his was interviewing just silently walked away.

Donald Trump Memory 'Very Foggy' Says Man Who Interviewed Him

Meanwhile, new leaked audio is calling Donald Trump's cognitive abilities into question. This is part of an upcoming book by author Ramin Setoodeh, who interviewed the former president several times after he left office.

"The reason I'm doing this and devoting a lot of time to it, I have to get back up, because I'm doing the whole thing with the Afghanistan," said Trump in his interview with Setoodeh. "Has he blown that Afghanistan?"

Setoodeh, who wrote the new book "Apprentice in Wonderland," has stated that while interviewing Trump, the former president "seemed to think that he still had some foreign policy powers" even after President Joe Biden had prohibited Trump from receiving intelligence briefings as he tended to reveal top secret information to the public.

Setoodeh also questioned Trump's cognitive abilities, saying his ability to recall his reality TV show "The Apprentice" was "much clearer than his memory of what he did in the White House."

READ MORE: Robert Morris, Texas Megachurch Pastor and Donald Trump Spiritual Advisor, Admits to Child Sexual Abuse

This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Jordan Klepper vs. Trumpers at First Post-Felony Conviction Rally | The Daily Show - The Daily Show