In a chilling revelation, prosecutors disclosed that a Texas girl fought bravely against her assailants, leaving scratch and bite marks on one of them during a horrifying assault that led to her death under a Houston bridge.

The accused, Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, 21, appeared in court with visible marks from the struggle, as Assistant District Attorney Megan Long detailed the harrowing events in a Harris County court hearing on Tuesday.

The victim, identified as Jocelyn Nungaray, 12 years old, was found deceased in a creek in north Houston, triggering a wave of shock and sorrow in the community, the New York Post reports.

Martinez-Rangel, along with his alleged accomplice Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, 26, stands accused of heinous acts that prosecutors described as a sexual assault lasting two hours.

During the court proceedings, Judge Josh Hill set Martinez-Rangel's bail at an unprecedented $10 million, emphasizing concerns about flight risk and ensuring justice in the face of such a grievous crime.

Judge Hill's decision reflected the seriousness of the charges and the potential risk of the defendants fleeing the country to evade prosecution.

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Details of the Crime Unveiled

Prosecutors detailed a harrowing sequence of events leading to Texas girl Jocelyn Nungaray's tragic death.

Allegedly lured under a bridge by two Venezuelan illegal immigrants, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, she endured a prolonged assault, with Martinez-Rangel ultimately strangling her, according to Fox News.

Afterward, Peña falsely informed their employer of a deadly night out, while Martinez-Rangel attempted to alter his appearance.

During court proceedings, Jocelyn's family reacted emotionally, one member's outburst underscoring their profound grief.

Martinez-Rangel's phone search history revealed plans to flee once identified publicly, prompting prosecutors to argue for a high bail.

Despite bail being set, both accused remain in ICE custody, ensuring they cannot be released pending trial.

The case has drawn national attention, highlighting issues surrounding immigration and public safety.

Family and community advocates have called for justice, emphasizing the need for stringent legal measures against violent offenders.

As the legal process unravels, the community mourns Jocelyn's loss while grappling with broader questions of safety and accountability in immigrant communities.

Legal Proceedings and Public Outcry

During a subsequent hearing, the judge reaffirmed the $10 million bond for Martinez-Rangel, mirroring the previous day's decision for Peña.

The courtroom proceedings underscored the gravity of the charges and the ongoing legal scrutiny faced by both defendants.

In response to the tragic killing, which has reverberated through Houston and beyond, political figures, including Texas Governor Greg Abbott and former President Donald J. Trump, seized on the case to criticize immigration policies, the New York Times noted.

They called for stricter enforcement and invoked Jocelyn Nungaray's name as a rallying cry for tougher measures.

The case has ignited a broader debate on immigration and crime, with contrasting viewpoints emerging on the impact of migration policies.

While some lawmakers and officials underscore the need for stringent border controls, others caution against politicizing individual tragedies for broader policy agendas.

As legal proceedings continue, the case of a Texas girl's tragic death remains a poignant reminder of the complexities surrounding crime, immigration, and justice in America.

The community mourns her loss while grappling with the case's broader implications on public policy and law enforcement practices.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

WATCH: Jocelyn Nungaray murder: Bail for both suspects set at $10M - From LiveNOW from FOX