Imagine you're on your couch, enjoying your favorite series, when suddenly you get a text from Brad Pitt. Yes, that Brad Pitt, movie star and Angelina Jolie's ex.

At first you hesitate because, of course, what would he be doing in his spare time, filming another movie, playing golf, or maybe just looking for his next great love in a fan club among mere mortals?

Well, as crazy as it sounds, some people thought the latter option was the right answer.

The romantic scam that wasn't even on "Friends." It turns out that a woman in Granada, Spain, delighted with her "secret romance" with Brad Pitt, was convinced by a scammer posing as the actor. Through a fake fan platform and for about five months, this Brad asked her for money, accumulating a total of 170,000 euros.

First, he said he needed to solve a "little problem" with his private jet, then he claimed he didn't have access to his Hollywood bank account, and even that he was a few euros short for his Starbucks coffee. You know, the typical problems a movie star faces. And, of course, as a good supportive partner, she believed every word.

"Tindler Swindler" Hollywood version

If this sounds like the script of the famous Tindler Swindler to you, you're not wrong. The "fake Brad Pitt" used the same formula: empty promises, cheap phrases, and other manipulations typical of any second-rate script.

Only instead of being on private jets or luxury yachts, this "Brad" was probably in his pajamas, with a cheap coffee, asking a woman in Spain to transfer him more euros to "get out of a financial bind".

And of course, we wonder: what kind of person falls for something like that? Maybe someone vulnerable, alone, or just a hopeless romantic looking for her fairy tale ending.

Spoiler: the ending was more like a horror movie.

Grenada: capital of romance... for scammers

This type of scam is not unique. In Granada, in addition to this victim, another person from Vizcaya was also swindled by the same criminal network posing as the actor.

In total, between them all, these stories of "true love" led to losses of 325,000 euros. Fortunately, the Guardia Civil caught the gang behind this ill-assembled show.

To add more drama to the story, the Granada victim was betrayed by her own son, who took advantage of the situation to steal another 17,000 euros on fraudulent charges while continuing the sick joke.

Even in soap operas you don't see this kind of family betrayal? But don't worry, her son was not part of the gang of fraudsters, he simply decided to take advantage of the chaos.

So, if Brad Pitt ever sends you a message saying he loves you, but needs a loan, run away like you're in an action movie.