Zoe Saldana graces the cover of Cosmo for Latinas, and the mother-to-be talks about how she hopes to raise her children.

"Of course [our children] will speak the languages that we speak; my sisters and I grew up learning French and speaking English and Spanish, and because of that, we're able to understand Italian and Portuguese," she said.

It won't come so easy for the multilingual actress, however.

"But I'm going to have to make a conscious effort to speak Spanish to my children, because I speak Spanglish," she added.

Saldana also talked about living in the Dominican Republic as a child.

In her home, it was about talking in Spanish. Everywhere else it was English.

"I don't say 'mommy,' I say 'mami,'" she said.

She also never felt ashamed of being Latina, so she never worried about whether or not she had an accent. As a matter of fact, Saldana was more considered about being seen as a "real American."

For the "Guardians of the Galaxy" actress, it is important that there's a balance in the stories that are being told.

"First, I want to tell good stories," she said. "After that, I want to see an accurate depiction of Americans. When I'm sitting in the theater, I'm surrounded by people from all walks of life; we're not just Caucasian. And when art doesn't imitate life, there's an imbalance."

She said that women always face challenges in Hollywood. There are fewer opportunities, and younger women are usually valued over more experienced actresses. But she doesn't think it should be that way.

Saldana said that she stays away from men who worship her because they aren't "really seeing" her.

"I like men who work with women, are challenged by women, learn from women," she said.