Tracy Morgan is still recovering from his car crash on the New Jersey Turnpike two months ago.

Morgan's lawyer, Benedict Morelli, spoke about the comedian's road to recovery.

"The truth is he's struggling, but he's fighting hard," Morelli said. "He's got the fighting spirit, but every day is different. Some days he's very down."

The car crash, which killed one of Morgan's friends, left the actor with a broken leg and cracked ribs. His assistant Jeffrey Millea and comedian Ardie Fuqua were also hurt from the crash.

Morelli said Morgan is also struggling emotionally, saying that he felt guilty.

"It's not only physical, it's emotional," Morelli said. "Now, there's been a couple of people who said he's doing great. And that's not true. What is true is he's struggling and he's fighting."

The Wal-Mart truck driver that caused the six-car collision had driven 700 miles. He has pleaded not guilty, notes USA Today.

His destination was Perth Amboy in New Jersey.

Morgan is suing Wal-Mart.

"I'm going to show if I have to in court that that's the culture (at Wal-Mart)," Morelli said. "That's what they set up. They know. ... They have to make sure that this doesn't happen."

Neal Brennan previously spoke about how Morgan was going to rehab every day, notes BET.

"Mentally, he seems all there," he said. "Because we were talking, and he was like, 'Neal. I mean, the outpouring of love was unbelievable. I mean, the people that reached out to me: Busta Rhymes, LL Cool J, the President.' The fact that Tracy put LL Cool J and Busta Rhymes above the President let's me know that Tracy is back."

In July, he was spotted outside of his home. He was using a walker and said he was "feeling strong."