While British GQ may have named Kim Kardashian Woman of the Year, the United States version wants everyone to know that it had nothing to do with that decision.

On Monday morning, GQ sent out a tweet explaining that it was different from British GQ.

"Good morning, citizens of the U.K.," GQ said. "We're still GQ U.S., and we still gave no awards. Congratulations on the new royal baby, though."

The magazine kept being confused for British GQ, which meant that it was also facing some of the backlash.

People criticized British GQ's choice for Woman of the Year because they believed she hadn't done anything to earn it and that there were many more women that were more deserving of the honor.

GQ US kept receiving these messages on Twitter, so it replied to some and explained the two GQs were not the same thing.

"You're talking to the wrong magazine. We didn't give out any awards," the magazine said to one user.

To someone who said that GQ had low standards, the U.S. version of the magazine said that it "didn't name any woman of the year."

Kardashian posed naked for the British GQ issue, and she opened up about her husband and daughter.

She said she and Kanye West settled on the name North after getting approval from both Pharrell and Anna Wintour.

"It was a rumor in the press and we'd never really considered it seriously," she said. "But Kanye and I were having lunch ... and Pharrell came over to us and said, 'Oh my God, are you guys really going to call your daughter "North"? That is the best name.'"

Though Kardashian may be facing criticism, she also had some to dish out.

In the same interview, she called Barack Obama for calling West a jackass. The reality star explained that it wasn't "appropriate for the president of the United States to be commenting on pop culture."