World famous singer Justin Bieber may have hurt himself after one of his antics. The singer announced on social media that he hurt his eardrum after cliff jumping. Though not serious, the injury could hold back the singer’s career temporarily.

Bieber, 20, took to Twitter on Wednesday to inform fans of his injury. He told his adoring Beliebers that he might need surgery to remedy the problem.

However, he reassured his fans that the injury would not stop his singing career.

Bieber’s injury could have been caused during his cliff diving excursion back in July. TMZ reported at the time that Bieber jumped off a rock at Malibu Creek. The singer posted the video on his Instagram but was deleted after. However, TMZ made a copy.

Bieber’s injury may not be as serious as believed though. Hollywood Life interviewed Dr. Barry M. Rose M.D., the Anesthesiologist at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco.

“More than likely, Justin ruptured the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, on impact or while descending into the water. The surgery for that condition, if it is what he has, is a tympanoplasty, where a piece of tissue is used to simply seal the hole in the tympanic membrane,” said Dr. Rose.

However, he warned against assuming there is no risk. He said: "As surgeries go, it is 'superficial' in nature, but as we have seen, no procedure can be taken lightly. Having said that, this is outpatient surgery that 99.9+% of the time goes easily and smoothly, and has no long term effects except sealing the hole in the eardrum."