Cristina asks Esteban if he would ever leave her for a younger woman, and he is completely taken aback. Although it doesn't seem she knows the feelings that exist between himself and Cristina's daughter, it does seem like Esteban's guilt is perhaps getting to him. (Catch up on episodes 26-30 here.)

Here's what happens on episodes 31-35.

Episode 31: Esteban realizes that his relationship with Cristina is only good when Acacia is not around. Whenever Acacia is in the mix, then he can't get her out of his head. Ulises has been spending time with his new friend, but Acacia does not like it. Ulises said that it's silly, just as it would be silly for him to get jealous of her relationship with Esteban.

Episode 32: Alejandra hears a noise and believes that it's German who has arrived. She calls out to him, but she is met with Danilo instead. Esteban yells at Ulises and says that he cares about Acacia. He also says that he won't let him or anyone else get close to her, and in that moment, Cristina arrives. She asks him why he said what he said.

Episode 33: Juliana tells Rosa that her Manuel has clearly said he would never be with Luisa because she is the help. Cristina asks Acacia how she could be doing something so important, such as choosing to be spend her life with Ulises, and not tell her own mother. Alejandra has decided to give love and German a chance.

Episode 34: Acacia and Esteban talk, and Esteban explains that he could never do anything like let down the woman he loves. Danilo tells Alejandra that she better leave German behind or else German will end up dead. Ulises and Acacia end up breaking up once more. He tells her that he won't be looking for her again.

Episode 35: Norberto tells German that painting is not a noble profession, and it's the last thing German should aspire to do. Esteban tells Cristina that he'd never do anything to make her feel bad, so if she is bothered by his relationship with Acacia, then he will distance himself from her. Ulises and Nuria start spending some more time together, and Acacia sees them from a distance.

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