During a recent interview with the Huffington Post, Oscar Isaac -- who plays an undisclosed character in the upcoming "Star Wars Episode 7" film -- revealed that he isn't fond of the changes that original "Star Wars" director, George Lucas made to the original "Stars Wars" films.

"There's a part of me that appreciates that he doesn't really care if people are upset about it. He decided to share it with all of it, and he wants to go back and do stuff, whatever," Isaac said.

"But as a fan, I'd much rather go back and watch the old thing, because it's a product of the time. It's what did you do at the time with the things that you had. And that's what made that movie so amazing. At that time with that technology he made this thing and it was f*cking awesome. So, you know, to go back and kind of tweak it with new stuff, it doesn't make it more interesting for me as a watcher. It makes it less interesting, but I can't fault him for doing that."

Though Isaac opposes Lucas' decision to edit the original "Star Wars" movies, the Juilliard trained actor expressed his excitement toward "Star Wars Episode 7" director, J.J. Abrams' choice to shoot the upcoming movie on film.

"I know this seems nerdy, but I love the fact that J.J. Abrams is shooting it on film. And that's not just from an aesthetic standpoint -- it really does matter -- but it's about how a movie is filmed and the set, it changes it," Isaac said. "It changes so many things. I mean, I've had to do things over again because there was a hair in the gate, which is so old school, but it just feels better, and movies are all about feeling, so I think that's something that I'm so very excited about apart from the fact that it looks amazing, so textured and alive."

"Star Wars Episode VII" will hit theaters on Dec. 18, 2015.

In the meantime, fans can see Isaac in the films, "The Two Faces of January" out in theaters now and "A Most Violent Year" that will release on Nov. 12.