FCKH8.com, a for-profit company that's hellbent on speaking out on the subjects of equality and sexism, has published a new video that's enlisted handful of "potty-mouth princesses," who drop the f-bombs for feminism.

Seemingly innocent looking and clad in pastel princess wear, the powerful young girls (ages 6 to 13) spurt the word "f*ck" more times than can be easily counted. The startling four-letter word is used in contrast to words such as "rape" and "pay inequality" to raise the question, "Which word is more offensive, detrimental or alarming?"

"[We're] asking the question: What's more offensive? A little girl saying f--k or the sexist way society treats girls and women?" the description of the advertisement on the company's website. "These adorably articulate little ladies in sparkling tiaras turn the 'princess in distress' stereotype on its head and contrast the F-word with words and statistics society should find shocking such as 'pay inequality" and 'rape.'"

The short video reminds that everyone in the U.S. tend to be offended or shocked by profanity (particularly when six-year-olds are cursing like sailors), yet there isn't an equal amount of discomfort or offense attributed to the fact that women are still paid 23 percent less than men in the work force and the fact that one in five women is the U.S. are sexually assaulted or raped. Each of the five girls in the ad even asked, "Will it be me?"

The controversial video was created to promote FCKH8.com's new line of T-shirts, which say "Girls Just Want to Have FUN-damental Rights," with proceeds from each shirt going to various feminist organizations.