Yeezus once again gets caught up in paparazzi drama. He already has had legal issues with paparazzi photographers before, and back on September 14, he was charged with battery and attempted grand theft in Los Angeles. TMZ recently aired a video of another altercation between them.

In the beginning of the clip, a paparazzo approaches Kanye inside his garage and says, "Good morning, Kanye."

"Shut the f--- up," the rapper responds. When he tries to close the garage door, the paparazzo stops him. "Yo, did you just stop my garage?" Kanye says before closing the garage door completely, very irritated.

The video clip continues outside of Kanye West's garage, where he is loading bags into his car. He is asked how things are going and responds, "Don't say anything to me, man. Stop asking me questions. You out in front of my house at 4 a.m., talking 'bout how's it going. It's not going good. Y'all out here trying to make money off us. That's how it's going. It's 4 a.m. It's 4 a.m. and you ask me how it's going. You know I don't want you to say nothing to me. You hear what I'm saying? Respect that."

Shortly afterward, his girlfriend Kim Kimdashian gets in the vehicle, hiding her face from the camera flashes. West approaches the cameramen, and he is asked to "relax." "What you mean relax? What you mean relax?" Kanye says and walks back to his car. He's really fed up with the invasion of his privacy, "I'ma change all this."

At the end of the exchange, Kanye West expressed his anger towards paparazzi, "It's 4 a.m., you blood-sucking mosquito. You want me to be standing out in front of your house at 4 a.m.? Pick a profession with some type of respect to it."

During his recent interview with BBC Radio 1, Kanye expressed his disrespect towards paparazzi.

"Dopeness is what I like the most. People who want to make things as dope as possible and by default make money from it. The thing I like the least are people who only want to make money from things whether they're dope or not and especially making money at making things as least dope as possible," he said.

"Photography used to be a sexy profession," West continued. "It was like being a ball player, like a rapper or like a venture capitalist or something like that. They used to get all the girls and everything... [Paparazzi] completely changed what photography is supposed to mean. [It's the] same as how there are plenty of musicians that have sole the f--- out and changed the art of music, where people don't hold that to the highest level of genius anymore, meaning like, if there's a high level visual artist or clothing artist, they'll be held at a higher level of genius points than a musician because the things in music that are selling the most are the least inspired for the most part and the least genius. So, it confuses things. So I take that to paparazzi."

"Paparazzi is not even a necessary evil," West adds. "It just needs to be legalized... [Give it] publishing because they're selling our image and they're selling it in a bad way." He is asked what made him more upset -- that his images were being sold or that they were being photographed in a bad way. Kanye responds,

"In a bad way and I'm not getting paid for it," West said. "I want the dopeness and the money. I'm changing things for my daughter. I'ma tell my daughter, by the time she understands what it was. 'Man, me and your mother were in a completely different situation than you're in. At that time, paparazzi wasn't legal, people could take pictures, people could climb over your fence and you wouldn't even get paid for it. You see all these checks you're getting at age 6 'cause people taking your picture? You don't have to worry about a thing again just because people want to take your picture and I made that happen, [North].' That's what I'm gonna tell her."