The series finale of HBO's "The Newsroom," was a myriad of a wrap-up to the show's look at television news and the ethics of the media.

As Entertainment Weekly critic Sarene Leeds writes, the last episode recap sounds like a SNL character Stefon-style roundup.

"This series finale has everything: flashbacks, funerals, the naval hymn from 'Titanic,' a jam sesh featuring Jeff Daniels and John Gallagher Jr..." she said.

The final episode, titled "What Kind of Day Has It Been," did not really need to wrap up the characters' stories as last week's episode had so many developments packed into it. Charlie Skinner, Sam Waterston's character, died, Will McAvoy, was released from jail, Jim and Maggie hooked up and Aaron Sorkin waded into controversial waters when he featured a college-rape storyline.

While there were a few loose ends to tend to, Sorkin had the crucial elements of the series had already been dealt with, leaving the finale seem bloated with content that belayed little action.

In the finale, viewers saw Neal Sampat, played by Dev Patel, return to the U.S. following his exile in Venezuela, where he tried to determine a path for the future of Atlantis Cable News with new-media master B.J. Novak playing Lucas Pruit.

The show was over a full 60-minute episode that spread out that major finale solution between several flashbacks of Waterston and MacKenzie McHale working to develop "News Night 2.0" a few years earlier. The only information gleamed from the flashbacks was that Charlie had been planning an overhaul of the show long before McAvoy's breakdown at Northwestern.

Flipping back to 2013, the ACN is mourning Charlie at his funeral and a subsequent hangout at Skinner's home in Westchester. However, they quickly move on to normal life and their own issues.

In a surprise twist, Mac's pregnant! And Maggie Jordan is up for a field-producing job in Washington, D.C., which alienates her a bit from Jim. But several critics felt these developments weren't enough to encapsulate an adequate send-off for the beloved series.