The Kinect has become a staple in the Xbox series and it will carry over to the next version when the Xbox One is released Nov. 22. So far, the reviews and reception seem to be mostly positive, saying the Kinect is improved and enhanced for the new game console.

UK developer Rare believes that the new game console's Kinect will be "more subtle and less fitness-focused in the next generation," according to The Guardian. There will be an improved camera as well as versatility to allow extra people to use it while standing near the television.

Guardian writer Keith Stuart said that the Kinect has changed in terms of its purpose since it was first introduced. "While the original Kinect was marketed very much as a sort of glorified fitness instructor - possibly a response to the success of Wii Fit - the new one is just, well, an alternative input device," he said.

Microsoft and the Xbox One have been surrounded by negative publicity in recent weeks, most recently when it was announced that the Playstation 4 already is going to sell better this holiday season than its rival. Pre-orders are higher for the PS4 than the Xbox One. To make matters even worse, it will be more difficult to catch up to the PS4 because the Xbox will be released a week behind the PS4's Nov. 15 debut. It will be also difficult to sway others to the Xbox side because it costs $100 more than the PS4.

However, features such as this upgraded Kinect and the recent app exclusively for Xbox One's Madden 25 should help at least a bit.