League of Legends Champion Item Build Guide: Master Yi
Master Yi can be one of the most devastating melee champions in League of Legends.
That is, if you build him right, and you put him in situations where he is likely to succeed.
One of the factors that should determine how you build any League of Legends champion is the makeup of the opposing team. For example, if the enemy is very heavy on tanky champions, your item build should reflect that fact.
However, we've been in way too many games where we've seen poorly thought out Master Yi item builds which eventually led to the demise of our team.
That's why we're here though. If you're wondering how to build Master Yi to counter heavily armored teams, keep reading. With this item build, you'll rip through massive amounts of health and armor in the blink of an eye.
LoL Item Build Guide: Anti Tank Master Yi
There are two reasons why Blade of the Ruined King is an excellent anti-tank item. It has a passive aspect that makes your attacks deal eight percent of a champion's current health in physical damage. So, if your target has 1000 health, that passive alone tacks on an extra 80 damage to your next basic attack against that champion. That's on top of the 25 attack damage that this item already deals.
Then, there's the active ability on Blade of the Ruined King, which deals 10 percent of a target's maximum health in physical damage while healing you for the damage that this ability does to the target. Plus, you steal 25 percent of their movement speed for three seconds, allowing you to keep pace with them in case they try to use an ability to escape your grasp.
2. Last Whisper
Last Whisper is the Void Staff of attack damage-based champions in League of Legends. This cuts through 35 percent of a target's total armor, and adds 40 attack damage on top of that. If you hope to deal lots of damage against tanks, this item needs to be in your inventory.
Youmuu's Ghostblade has a few attractive attributes. It increases your armor pentration by 20, reduces your cooldowns by 10 percent, and grants you 30 attack damage.
Plus, its active ability gives you an extra 40 percent attack speed, and 20 percent movement speed for six seconds. Using this ability virtually ensures that you'll be able to chase down any fleeing enemies.
Like Youmuu's Ghostblade, Black Cleaver gives you extra armor pentration (10), and reduces your cooldowns by another 10 percent for a total of 20. The extra 50 attack damage doesn't hurt either.
However, here's what's key. With Black Cleaver equipped, any physical damage you do to an enemy reduces their armor by five percent for four seconds. Plus, this effect stacks for a maximum of five times. Do damage five times reduces the armor of enemies by 25 percent. That's incredible. The extra health this item gives you also boosts your survivability, which is always welcome, especially when it comes to fragile champions like Master Yi.
Ravenous Hydra doesn't have any anti-tank properties, but it does a lot of damage, and will help you stay alive in battles longer.
It gives you 75 attack damage, doubles your health regeneration, and provides 12 percent life steam. Plus, its active lets you deal total damage to enemies immediately around you while you're not even directly attacking them. The ability lets you deal as little as 60 percent of your total damage at the maximum range for this ability, which is 400. That's still a lot, to say the least.
These boots will give you increased movement and attack speed. On Master Yi, they're a must.
So, to sum up, this build will give you as much as 60 percent armor penetration, 30 base armor penetration, and eight percent of damage based on an enemy's current health. That's a recipe for destruction, especially if you're facing any tanky enemies.
What do you think of this Lol item build guide for Master Yi? Do you have any thoughts or suggestions? If so, feel free to share in the comments below.
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