The United States may be considered a super power, but lately with the government shutdown, confusion surrounding Obamacare and the inital fiasco, we seem to be in need of a systematic prescription ourselves.

A recent report conducted by Bloomberg named the best countries according to their efficient healthcare systems.

What was the criteria for the report?

According to Bloomberg, each country was ranked on three criteria: life expectancy (weighted 60%), relative per capita cost of health care (30%); and absolute per capita cost of health care (10%).

Countries were scored on each criterion and the scores were weighted and summed to obtain their efficiency scores. Relative cost is health cost per capita as a percentage of GDP per capita. Absolute cost is total health expenditure, which covers preventive and curative health services, family planning, nutrition activities and emergency aid. Included were countries with populations of at least five million, GDP per capita of at least $5,000 and life expectancy of at least 70 years.

What's the take away from this report? Could it serve as an example for the U.S.?

"Unsurprisingly, there is no one formula for success when it comes to efficient medical care," according to The Huffington Post. "The systems that rank highly on Bloomberg's list are as diverse as the nations to which they belong. The unifying factor seems to be tight government control over a universal system, which may take many shapes and forms -- a fact evident in the top-three most efficient health care systems in the world: Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan."

Latin American countries were also represented in the Most Efficient Healthcare Systems list.

Latin America: Out of 48 countries, Chile took the No.13 spot, Mexico No.15, Ecuador No. 20, Venezuela No. 26, Cuba No. 28, Argentina No. 32, Peru No. 35, and Colombia No. 42.

Which countries took the top healthcare honors?

The Top 5 Most Efficient Healthcare Systems are as follows:


"Hong Kong's universal health care system involves heavy government participation," The Huffington Post reports. "Public hospitals account for 90 percent of in-patient procedures, while the numerous private options are mostly used by the wealthy. All this government care isn't taking much of a bite out of the state's bustling economy."


"Singapore is largely funded by individual contributions, and is often hailed by conservatives as a beacon of personal responsibility."

Conservative David Frum told The Huffington Post: "The system is actually fueled by the invisible hand of the public sector: individuals are required to contribute a percentage of their monthly salary based on age to a personal fund to pay for treatments and hospital expenditures. In addition, the government provides a safety net to cover expenses for which these personal savings are inadequate. Private health care still plays a role in Singapore's system, but takes a backseat to public offerings, which boast the majority of doctors, nurses, and procedures performed."


"The Japanese system involves universal health care with mandatory participation funded by payroll taxes paid by both employer and employee, or income-based premiums by the self-employed. Long-term care insurance is also required for those older than 40."

According to The Huffington Post, Dr. John W. Traphagan notes in The Diplomat: "Japan controls costs by setting flat rates for everything from medications to procedures, thus eliminating competition among insurance providers. While most of the country's hospitals are privately owned and operated, the government implements smart regulations to ensure that the system remains universal and egalitarian."


"Haaretz says the efficiency of the Israeli health-care system stems from the small number of large HMOs, government control over prices and strict regulation," the Global Post reports. "Citizens in Israel must have at least basic insurance coverage at one of the country's four HMOs, with 80 percent of the population belonging to the two largest."


"Spain's single-payer health care system is ranked No. 5 on Bloomberg's efficiency list and seventh best in the world by the World Health Organization, according to NPR.

"The system offers universal coverage as a constitutionally-guaranteed right and no out-of-pocket expenses - aside from prescription drugs," the Global Post reports. "Patients do complain, however, about the long wait to see specialists and undergo certain procedures."