That door-knocker coming with a clipboard and pen to your door every 10 years will still be coming in the years ahead. In 2020, however, the U.S. Census could go digital, and the door-knocker will likely be carrying a tablet or smartphone instead.

The U.S. Census Bureau is looking to get the survey filled out online instead of sending it back through the mail, PCMag reports.

The Census survey is taken once every 10 years. It asks key questions like age, race and amount of persons living inside a household. The data gained from the Census determines the number of seats each state will receive in the U.S House of Representatives.

Last year, about 74 percent of those delivered a Census survey filled them out. That was the best participation rate ever.

Currently, the Census Bureau is testing out its new digital strategies in Savannah, Georgia and Maricopa County in Arizona. Census workers will come with smartphones or tablets powered by Android and have their test subjects answer questions about age, race and if they own or rent their homes.

Census workers will follow-up with people who do not answer the first request. They will quickly ask the respondents a few quick questions and enter them into the Internet system.

By going electronic in 2020, the government will save millions. An electronic Census will also help the government find out in real-time where people are not responding to the survey.

"In 2020, we hope to use technology to reduce the overall cost of the census by potentially as much as $5 billion in taxpayer money compared with conducting it on paper (as in all past censuses)," Census Director John Thompson said.

As Americans are becoming more attached to their smartphones and computers, the Census could take advantage and might be able to get more surveys turned in by going digital.

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