The 6-second teaser for the upcoming X-Men: Days Of Future Past gives viewers quick doses of their favorite mutant superheroes fast at work as they save the world for the umpteenth time.

The brief flash grants rapid shots of the agent of X-Men and their enemies fighting. Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence), Storm (Halle Berry), Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), Magneto (Michael Fassbender), and Professor X/Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart/James McAvoy) are seen supernaturally duking it out for their own respective sides. Particularly, Mystique who featured at least few times: once, tearing up; another time, contorting her body; and a third time, sliding parallel to the ground, undoubtedly to muss someone up. Also, Storm, who's seem manipulating lightning in order to take some villain down.

Those characters who didn't appear in the snippet were Anna Paquin (portraying Rogue), Ellen Page (Kitty Pryde), Peter Dinklage (Bolivar Trask), Evan Peters (Quick Silver), Nicholas Hault (Beast), and the many other well-knowns who make up the ensemble of principal characters.

X-Men: Days Of Future Past acts a sequel to, all three, 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand, 2011's X-Men First Class and 2012's The Wolverine; and features cast members from all of these films. It also acts as the seventh installment to the X-Men series, and is the third film to be directed by Bryan Singer, who directed 2000's X-Men and 2003's X-2.

The film, itself, is based on 1981's Uncanny X-Men comic book storyline "Days of Future Past" by John Byrne and Chris Claremont.

The full trailer is set to be released October 29, but unfortunately the film won't make it into theaters until spring, May 23, 2014.