Here is our breakdown of everything you need to know about the Sony KD-65X9005B

Pros and Cons:

The Sony KD-65X9005B is considered as one of the best 4K bigscreen TV currently available. Almost all the Ultra HD televisions released recently cannot match with it. It beats them all in terms of AV performance, design and picture quality. It supports Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct and offers multiple HDMI ports for maximum functionality. It has powerful speakers that give an almost natural output. Sony should have included some apps into the KD-65X9005B to support the ITV Player and 4oD. The speakers are almost perfect, but they can sometimes make the TV seem stocky. The design of the speakers may not please everyone. Besides, the Social View Twitter app in the system is not as convenient to use as expected. The 3D performance could also have done better with some refining.


The Sony KD-65X9005B features a 65-inch LCD display with resolution of 3840x2160 pixels. It supports Freeview HD and has 65W amplifiers. It supports 4 HDMI 2.0 ports, Wi-Fi, 3.5mm headphone jack, stereo phono audio input/digital optical audio output, Wi-Fi Direct, and 3 USB 2.0 ports. Other features of this 4K TV include HEVC decoder and 180W/75W power consumption switching capability.

Talking Points: 

The only point that may be missing in the X90 is that it doesn't have a curved screen. Sony unveiled its curved-screen S90 series in August 2014. It has almost all the features and specs of the KD-65X9005B. It is based on the 4K X-Reality PRO engine, and uses Motionflow XR800Hz and Triluminos colour tech amongst others. There are some differences, but with a curved display, the X90 could have almost been an S90.


The Sony KD-65X9005B has been priced at £3,600, which is reasonably priced considering that it betters many other television's more expensive than it.


The price tag of roughly $5,445, according to CNet may appear to be hefty, but it isn't much when you compare to what the 1st-gen 4K TVs used to cost. One of the best things about this television is that it is probably the best screen you can get access to currently and it is future-ready. You will not have to think about a replacement for many years now.