The 19-year-old singer Justin Bieber got caught on camera while he was sleeping. The 15-second video clip, which was taken by a young woman in Brazil, was uploaded on YouTube on Wednesday, November 6, rapidly generating more than 2.7 million views in less than 12 hours.

The video titled "Justin Bieber sleeping with girl in Brasil" features the pop star in his white tank top, lying down right next to his red cap, sleeping under a gray blanket. It seems like he has no idea that he is being filmed by someone. After videotaping Bieber sleeping, the brunette, who might have been his bedmate, turns the lens on her, smiles, then blows him a kiss before the video ends. The camerawoman later has been identified as Tati Neves.

The "Bad Day" singer has yet to officially comment on the clip's existence. However, on Thursday, November 7, Justin Bieber took Instgram to upload a video of himself singing, which he captioned it, "What do tigers dream of." He was obviously referencing the song Em Helms sang in 2009's "The Hangover."

Justin Bieber lately has been making headlines since he arrived in Brazil. Last week, he allegedly spent three hours at the popular brothel Centauros in Rio de Janeiro before he was spotted sneaking out, covered in a bed sheet. Sources said that the singer denied the allegations, saying that Bieber was not at a brothel, but rather a private members-only club that he went because his friends invited him.