"The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" starting Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth, has been long awaited by fans and the most opinionated people on earth...the critics. Catching Fire premiered last Monday, the 11th in London where people couldn't stop talking about Jennifer Lawrence's pixie blonde cut...and the rain. The film will premiere in the U.S, Monday the 18th in Los Angeles, Calif. While fans impatiently await the theater release of "The Hunger Games:Catching Fire" on Nov. 22nd, the critics already have much to say. And you know what? It isn't half bad!

Let's start with the least amount of stars catching on fire. Digital Spy gave the movie three stars saying that the film "succeeds on a great many fronts, despite its hefty running time". They also said "it strays too often into unearned melodrama with even Lawrence struggling to sell some of Katniss's more abrupt emotional shifts".

The Telegraph gave the film four stars stating, "Catching Fire was so committed to carrying on the fine work started by its predecessor that the applause flows utterly naturally". Even ending with an "Is it too soon to say I can't wait for the next one?"

Leading Britsh magazine Empire awarded the movie with four stars stating that the film seemed like a "more confident round of Hunger Games which thrills us into submission". Ian Nathan, representing Empire, particularly gushed about Jennifer Lawrence saying "this is truly a franchise thriving on a single performance, Lawrence seeks out the complex, human and earthy in Katniss, still the beating heart and total triumph of this movie".

Overall, the critics seemed to all agree on one thing, the movie was 146 minutes long so yes, it's a "neck stiffer" but it was worth it. The reviews for "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" has been, so far so good. Let's see what the critics in the good ol' USA will think. Many of us are very excited to see how the next chapter of this story unfolds. I believe we have the last word since we are the fans and the true movie critics that pay to see these great masterpieces we call movies. I wonder if Miley Cyrus has reserved her movie ticket yet? What do you guys think?