On the next episode of the CBS drama "Madam Secretary," titled "The Necessary Art," Elizabeth (Tea Leoni) has to avoid a full-on crisis when a Russian submarine goes missing during war-games in American waters. It was being tracked, but it vanished and was believed to be parked off the coast of Alaska, according to CarterMatt.

Elizabeth conjectures that something could have gone wrong with the submarine, and after pressure to amp up the threat of war, she vehemently attempts to turn the temperature down believing they could go into armed conflict over a mistake.

All this takes place while her husband Henry (Tim Daly) is actually in Russia, which could have led to her continuing pursuit of intelligence and diplomacy, giving a lecture on fundamentalism.

With only three episodes left in the season, this show is going to try to squeeze in a few of the important stories and they are going to revolve around the situations that arise in the mean time, such as Stevie breaking up with her older boyfriend.

As CarterMatt points out, Henry and Elizabeth will likely struggle to keep their professional and personal lives separate. With that in mind, such an interference could be destructive in both aspects of their lives.

"Madam Secretary" star Tea Leoni was recently interviewed and quoted in The Associated Press saying that she has been asked so many times who gives her the most inspiration playing the part and with speculation being that of Hillary Clinton or Madeleine Albright, she has actually rebuked both notions.

She responded saying that her father, Anthony Pantaleoni, "is the most even even-keeled, most diplomatic human being!"

"He has the grand empathy to see both sides of a question. I can discuss things with him, and he doesn't get adamant that there's a single right way," she said.

Leoni's other acting credits include "Bad Boys," "Deep Impact" and "Spanglish." She was previously married to film and television star David Duchovny, but they divorced last year.