In an upcoming episode of "Madam Secretary," as Secretary of State Elizabeth Faulkner-McCord (Tea Leoni) prepares to sign a nuclear treaty with Iranian President Shiraz, a plot to assassinate the foreign President on U.S. soil unfolds. All of this coming on the heels of the Russian crisis last week, which led to diplomacy over dispute.

In this episode, titled "The Kill List," Spoilers Guide reports Elizabeth must not only deal with uncovering the plot, but she also has human rights activists protesting due to Iran's plans to stone a gay citizen to death. Although her moral and ethical side strongly supports the cause, she cannot risk the treaty at the hands of one, in what could later save millions.

Academy Award-nominated actress Marsha Mason will also guest star as Elizabeth's therapist, Dr. Kinsey Sherman, who will be treating her for PTSD. Hill Harper also guest stars as Juliet's (Nilaja Sun) husband and Keith Carradine guest stars as President Conrad Dalton.

According to Carter Matt, the show is taking a week off and this episode won't be airing until April 26. It is because The Academy of Country Music Awards has taken its time slot for a one-night event. But make sure that you keep on top of this show as it prepares to finish off its season. As the article pointed out, the biggest challenges of Elizabeth's life as a public servant will surely lie ahead, with so much more potential to fill several seasons.

CBS has already renewed the show for a second season and, if reality plays any focus, the show is destined to receive four seasons, since that is the general amount of time a Secretary of State serves.

"The Kill List" is the first of the final two all-new episodes, with the season finale, titled "There But For The Grace Of God," scheduled to air on May 3.