Joaquin Phoenix is the latest actor name that emerged for the rumored Lex Luthor villain part in the upcoming Batman vs Superman movie. reports that when Ben Affleck shocked most fans for landing the Batman role, the succeeding cast confirmations also became as much as a surprise. It was just recent when Fast and Furious actress Gal Gadot was announced to play the role of Wonder Woman and now the Her actor is reportedly being considered for a villain slot.

Variety also reported that Joaquin Phoenix is the top choice of Warner Bros so far to play the lead antagonist character. Sources added though that there is no confirmation yet of the actor's rumored villain role. Other names that emerged around the evil character included Mark Strong and Bryan Cranston. Other veteran actors who played the Lex Luthor role in previous Superman movies were Gene Hackman and Kevin Spacey.

It was just recent when we last reported about the possible involvement of Game of Thrones star Jason Momoa in the highly anticipated movie.

The Verge wrote that there are a lot of suggestions from forums and comic conferences that there will be a lot of cameos from the DC world to show up in the movie. Director Zack Snyder also emphasized that the movie will not be an adaptation of the comic The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller. However, it will surely serve as one of the movie's inspirations.

The Argo writer Chris Terrio is also reported to have been brought on board to work on the Batman vs Superman script, The Vulture stated. The Oscar winning writer is also a good friend to actor Ben Affleck. He is set to take the place of David S. Goyer who wrote the draft for the initial script of the Batman vs Superman movie and also the writer behind Man of Steel.

The superhero crossover film is set to be release by July 2015.