"Sin City" actress Jessica Alba has added more to her resume than just acting in films and TV. She is the founder of the Honest Company, which is an eco-friendly company that sells home and baby products, according to an article on More.

But don't let all the nice character personas she plays in her movies fool you. As the boss at her company, she can be downright ruthless.

"I've made people cry," Alba revealed to More, as reported on Us Magazine. "I have to say, 'This isn't personal. This is what needs to get done, and it's just as simple as that. And ... we're not crying anymore.' I'm learning to tone myself down."

According to More, the concept for starting the Honest Company came to Alba in 2011 when she wanted to start an e-commerce company that specifically marketed to the homemaker, selling home products and baby care products that are eco-friendly. She enlisted the help of an environmental health expert and an e-commerce innovator, and together they formed the Honest Company with the funds she secured from investors.

Products sold by the company range from detergents and stain removers to baby wipes and diapers. The strategy seemed to pay off almost instantly. In their first year, the company turned $10 million in sales. It featured strong word-of-mouth advertising and no budgeted advertising and by 2013, the sales had reached $50 million.

The company now features 117 products and is valued at almost $1 billion dollars.

"People act like starting the Honest Company is such a departure," Alba said. "But the reality is I've been selling other people's TV products, beauty products, movie products. I'm leveraging skills I've honed in Hollywood for years."

Alba also said they're working on a new organic tampon product that will not be in the cardboard applicator, but rather a plant-based plastic applicator. They are after-all, eco-friendly.