The iOS 7 jailbreak release has not been as smooth as the Evad3rs hoped.

Just days after the jailbreak group released the highly anticipated iOS 7 Jailbreak, the controversial Chinese App Store Taig was dropped. There was a number of reports of piracy and this was soon proved to be true after further investigation by the Evad3rs.

"Our written and verbal agreement with Taig banned [piracy]," the Evad3rs said in an open letter to the public regarding the move to drop Taig and the allegations surrounding it all. "They assured us it was not in there. We did not check every package in their store but a cursory examination before release found no problems. However, after investigation and after notification from the community, we found examples, including pirated tweaks, Apple App Store apps, and even pod2g's PodDJ app ... We terminated our relationship with them. We are very disappointed that they have decided to put up a cracked version of the jailbreak on their site that installs Taig. We did not give them any permission or source code."

The Evad3rs are working to move past the setback but there is no word as to whether they will be doing anything with Cydia. There was also a controversial situation with Cydia after Saurik threatened to release a jailbreak himself when he found out that the Evad3rs were working with Taig. "Many of you have also wondered why this jailbreak was released without Cydia and MobileSubstrate being updated for iOS 7," the Evad3rs said in a separate letter last week. "After we received the offer from Taig, we informed Saurik, our friend, of our decision to accept the offer."

At this point in time, the jailbreak community may decide to sit back and allow the Evad3rs to figure out the next move. Considering that the jailbreak already has been released, many fans have already gotten what they wanted. However, the questions surrounding the app store and other areas of the jailbreak still remain. We can likely expect to hear again from the Evad3rs following the New Year.

"We are working hard to fix the problems with the jailbreak," the group explained in the second letter. "Unfortunately, it's the holidays and we would like to spend time with our friends and family. The events of the last couple of days have been extremely stressful for us and we need some time to recover. We will work as hard as we can to resolve any remaining issues. Thank you for your understanding."