Elizabeth Gutierrez is a beach bunny. Her recent Instagram photos have showed her on the beach by herself, with daughter Kailey, and now with her son, Christopher.

A photo posted by Ely (@gutierrezelizabeth_) on Jun 2, 2015 at 5:20pm PDT

In her most recent photo, Gutierrez posted a three-picture collage of herself and Christopher playing football on the beach near the water.

"Showing #Toty wuzzz up!! hahah love my baby!!!" she said.

The next picture that Gutierrez posted was a closeup of her laying down on the beach wearing a hat and sunglasses.

A photo posted by Ely (@gutierrezelizabeth_) on May 30, 2015 at 1:37pm PDT

Besides spending time on the beach, Gutierrez has posted several positive messages on her Instagram account.

In a picture posted last week, she stands next to a huge flower.

A photo posted by Ely (@gutierrezelizabeth_) on May 30, 2015 at 6:49am PDT

"A flower doesn't think of competing to the flower next to it... It just blossoms!! Be the flower!!! #beYOUtiful," she said.

In the next photo, Gutierrez sits next to a garden with a "life is beautiful" sign above it.

A photo posted by Ely (@gutierrezelizabeth_) on May 29, 2015 at 6:11am PDT

She captioned the photo with a positive message.

"No matter What you may be going thru..always remember that waking up is a blessing in itself.. Today Life is giving you another opportunity... Smile life is beautiful," she said.

While Gutierrez was at the beach with Christopher, she posed for a picture with him. They are both wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses and looking into the distance.

A photo posted by Ely (@gutierrezelizabeth_) on May 28, 2015 at 1:19pm PDT

She also captioned this photo with a positive message.

"Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words!! #toocoolforyou #unbreakable," she said.