Mike Huckabee Would Deny 11-Year-Old Paraguay Rape Victim an Abortion
Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee is standing firm by his hard-line anti-abortion views, even when presented with the most extreme scenario.
When CNN's Dana Bash asked the former Arkansas governor how he felt about the recent situation in Paraguay, in which an 11-year-old girl was compelled by the state to carry an unwanted fetus to full term, Huckabee said, "Let's not compound a tragedy by taking yet another life."
As previously reported by Latin Post, the girl in question gave birth, with the help of a C-section, to a baby that weighed about 6.6 pounds.
Huckabee cushioned his conservative pronouncements with the stipulation that "A 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible,” then went on to say, “But does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?”
The 59-year-old pastor-turned-politician backed up his adamant anti-abortion stance by saying that terminating a pregnancy has lasting detrimental effects on the pregnant woman.
"There are two victims. One is the child; the other is that birth mother who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened -- with the baby, with her," said Huckabee.
"I just come down on the side that life is precious; every life has worth and value. I don't think we discount the intrinsic worth of any human being, and I don't know where else to go with it than just to be consistent and say, if life matters, and that's a person, then every life matters," he elaborated.
Huckabee recently claimed that he would invoke the Fifth and 14th Amendments to stop abortion in the United States. Speaking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos about what he meant, Huckabee said “Let’s establish the personhood of the individual; let’s make sure that America comes to grips with that.”
As reported in Brietbart, he added, “We’re not acting like a civilized people in the way in which abortion in its unrestricted fashion has continued.”
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