There's a rumor floating around the Internet these days in regards to Jared Leto's Joker in "Suicide Squad," as reported by Den of Geek.

Suffice it to say that, if the rumor proves to be true, reading any further in this article could be a MAJOR spoiler for you.

Here are the nuts and bolts about the fan theory. First of all, the emerging DC Cinematic Universe that is expected rein down on 2016 like boulder-sized rocks on fire, will be completely interconnected. The two main movies that have drawn mountains of hype are "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," and "Suicide Squad." They are both the yins and yangs of what is expected to come out. Do-gooders and evil-doers.

Okay, so now that you are up to speed, the DC Universe will have to connect in more ways than one. It can't just be the Joker squaring off with Batman, or Superman squaring off with Lex Luthor. No, there needs to be more story to it than just that. Otherwise, everyone already knows what will happen and nothing will be a surprise.

But now, a fan has dissected the trailers and pictures from both films and found an interesting connection. He goes by the screen name "DeathByRequest" and it was in the screenshot from the "BvS" trailer that showed Bruce Wayne looking at the former uniform of his Robin, which had holes in it and graffiti from the Joker saying "Joke's on you Batman."

Then a photo of the crazy Joker revealed that there were some interesting scars on his shoulders, which seemed to align with the holes on the old war-torn Robin suit.

Now that may just be a coincidence, but as the photos show, it clearly attempts to say that it was the Joker who last climbed out of that devastated Robin suit. If so, then it would lend credence to the theory that Joker was once the Robin, and that Batman may have indeed created the Joker is some way.

Take a look and see for yourself.