NBC's new thriller "Blindspot" revolves around the life of a young woman (Jaimie Alexander) who is found mysteriously inside an unclaimed duffel bag by a patrol officer in Times Square, New York. The pilot begins with her crawling out of the duffel bag naked. She is covered from head-to-toe with fresh tattoos. She has no idea who she is or how she got there.

When FBI authorities interview her, she cannot remember her name, so they call her Jane Doe. She has no memory of her prior life. Her procedural memory is functioning, and it provides clues that suggest she could be a spy.

Authorities notice the tattoos covering her entire body, especially the one on her upper back that is the name of FBI Agent Kurt Weller (Sullivan Stapleton). When Weller is introduced to Doe, he does not recognize her.

The FBI investigates who she is, what happened to her, how she arrived in Times Square and her memory.

Meanwhile, she and Weller realize that each of her tattoos is a clue to a crime. The two attempt to prevent crimes from happening by following the clues tattooed on her skin.

The intriguing Warner Bros. Television production stars Alexander (Thor: The Dark World", "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."), Stapleton ("300: Rise of an Empire") and Ukweli Roach ("The Royals"), among other actors.

NBC's official plot synopsis reads as follows:

"A beautiful woman, with no memories of her past, is found naked in Times Square with her body fully covered in intricate tattoos. Her discovery sets off a vast and complex mystery that immediately ignites the attention of the FBI, which begins to follow the road map on her body into a larger conspiracy of crime, while bringing her closer to discovering the truth about her identity."

Watch the premiere of "Blindspot" Season 1 on Monday, Sept. 21, at 10 p.m. ET on NBC.