In the upcoming episode of “Ray Donovan,” Mickey (Jon Voight), the patriarch with a past that has caught up with him, has decided to push his luck by throwing himself a goodbye party before leaving town.

The last episode, titled “One Night is Yerevan,” featured Ray (Liev Schreiber) trying to set everything straight for his old man, kicking out his prostitutes and getting rid of all his cocaine. The fixer pulled some strings and engaged in some blackmail, and things were looking better.

A teaser for episode 11 of season 3, titled “Poker,” shows that he is still scrambling to keep everything cool. Ray is informed that he is going to need a criminal lawyer and is seen taking a bat to a guy in a chair, after he made the mistake of deriding Ray's Irish heritage.

Katie Holmes, who plays Paige, the no-nonsense daughter of corrupt billionaire Andrew Finney (Ian McShane) can be heard asking Ray, “Who do you think is more powerful in this town? You? Or Andrew Finney?”

We don’t know how Ray will respond, but we can guess that it will be devastating, or at least darkly appropriate to the situation.

A recent piece in Forbes suggested that presidential candidates, like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, could learn a thing or two from Ray’s manner of dealing with attacks that, in the end, mean nothing.

Referencing a recent scene on the series in which Ray is threatened with excommunication if he does not repent for a crime, the article points out that Ray, who is not afraid to rough up a priest, profanely makes clear that he could not care less.

The article argued that all the drama of the scene is made up of "empty rhetoric," similar to the kind of accusatory banter thrown around by presidential candidates at the first stage of primary debates. Such attacks are really just a lot of unthreatening noise blasting against whoever finally gets the nomination.

The next episode of “Ray Donovan” will air on Sept. 20.