In a recent interview, actress Salma Hayek revealed that her daughter Valentina has been the target of racism.

According to TVNotas, during an interview with a French publication, the Latina described an incident where her 8-year-old daughter, whom she had with husband François-Henri Pinault, was the target of discrimination.

"My daughter was insulted by another kid. Racist insults. I kindly tried to get the other kid to stop, but there was no way. And the kid's mother didn't try to do anything to stop him. I found the whole thing to be crazy," Hayek said. "I had to take my daughter by the hand and march her away from there so that the situation wouldn't escalate."

While the incident really bothered the actress, she said her young daughter handled the situation well and didn't let it bring her down.

"When we were already pretty distant I looked at her and told her, 'I feel bad for not being more firm with that kid who insulted you.' But she looked at me and responded, 'He was so dumb that I don't even pay attention. He was stupid and was saying foolishness.'"

This isn't the first time that the actress has discussed experiencing racism. In August, the Mexican and Lebanese beauty shared her own story of discrimination during a discussion with The Huffington Post about racism in America.

Hayek explained that a man refused to sit next to her and a friend while at a movie theater in Los Angeles, telling them, "Go back to [their] country."

The actress kept her composure when faced with such hate, but replied to the man, "Not only do I have my citizenship, but even before it was America, this was already my country, and if you don't like it, you can move."

Hayek said that she could write an entire book about these types of moments in her life, but explained that she doesn't allow them to hurt her. Instead, she thinks about how dumb and ignorant people are.

"I sort of felt sorry for this person for just being so out of touch with the world, with his own humanity," the star added.