The Daily Show host Jon Stewart is known for his in-show antics, political satire and jabs toward U.S. officials. During Thursday's broadcast, the talk show comedian unveiled the show's newest viral video campaign.

One of Stewart's favorite jokes recently has been his Forest Gump-style impersonation of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Earlier in the week McConnell released a campaign video featuring him simply smiling among other things such as his talking with constituents and working on paper work. Other than the music accompanying the two-minute video, however, there is no audio.

This McConnell ad of course spurred Stewart and his "Best Damn News Team" to create their own game with the video by substituting in popular hit songs such as Sir Mix A Lot's Baby Got Back, Salt 'N' Pepa's Whatta Man and Simon and Garfunkel's The Sound of Silence.

Stewart continued raving over the hilarity of his team's joke and told audiences that since discovering the video that morning, they had "put a million songs to this ... because it's fun as s***!"

At the end of the segment, Stewart informed the viewers that the show was going on a one-week break after Thursday but the "game should not." He announced that everyone can play the game, he called #mcconnelling.

"I think everyone can play," Stewart said. "When you hit on a good one you'll know it, and I think when you hit on a good one you will feel how we felt this morning when we first discovered this phenomenon."

Since Thursday, the #mcconnelling game has spurred thousands of Internet users to play along. One video featured Eminem's "Lose Yourself" while another person altered the game a little bit by inserting a clip from the video into the Full House theme song introducton.

Stewart had opened Thursday evening's broadcast with a response to Eric Bolling's scathing remarks toward him regarding a segment the Daily Show did the week prior. In the episode, Stewart called out Fox News for continually making America's poor look like freeloaders and "parasites." On his Fox News show The Five, Bolling aimed to "school" Stewart on the affects poor people who are stealing from the government are having on the economy.

Halfway through Stewart's opening segment, the host was visually outraged over Fox News' coverage, but he continued to show examples of corrupt companys the publication verbally supports and "school" Bolling in the process.

"If you're like me, you watched that last segment and were just 'F*****K!'" Stewart said. "You were really mad, and it's hard not to be mad."