"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is one of the most hotly anticipated films in post-production. The release date is just months away, but fans have upped the speculation to fascinating realms.

The latest bit of thought relates one sequence in the recent trailer. It showcases Batman doing battle with an army of Superman's soldiers. If you take a look at the images, all of the soldiers have the famous logo emblazoned on their respective soldiers.

Yet many question why Superman would have his own army. It simply makes little sense considering the world of the movies.

So the big theory regarding this footage is it is a Dream Sequence. According to Movie Pilot, this information was all but confirmed during New York Comic Con when a new figure was revealed as "Knightmare Batman." Essentially, this sequence represents Batman's worst fear regarding the Kryptonian superhero.

It is essential to remember that dream sequences were prominent in "Man of Steel," which was also directed by Zack Snyder and it is likely that he resorts to a similar technique if only for stylistic consistency.

Speaking of Zod (who appears in the linked clip above), he has been confirmed to appear as a ghost, so it is likely he is going to make his mark in a dream sequence of some kind.

The other major theory that has been purported is that this sequence is simply a trick brought on by Lex Luthor. The theory holds that Luther has gained control over the Man of Steel and has created an army that will pretend to be Superman's minions. That way he can get the government and Batman to see the superhero as a threat an launch an offensive.

Other major theories purport that Ben Affleck is not Bruce Wayne but is instead pretending to take on the mantle. Moreover, there are some beliefs that this franchise is part of the Chris Nolan comic universe and that Jared Leto's Joker is none other than John Blake, also known as Robin.

The film hits theaters on March 25, 2016.