"Fallout 4" is finally here and the post-apocalypse adventure game has earned rave reviews. On the technical side, software company Digital Foundry revealed a thorough performance analysis on the newly released game including visual runs across all platforms.

A report from Eurogamer presented a detailed look at the "Fallout 4" performance by Digital Foundry. The breakdown confirmed the 1080p resolution on both the PS4 and Xbox One, with images stunningly sharp.

While Bethesda shot for a frame rate of 30fps, the report from Digital Foundry revealed that neither console consistently offered a 30fps reading at all times. Moving in between cities can cause the frame-rate to drop to 20fps, which could be problematic when facing enemies in the area. It's a problem for both consoles, but the report noted a frame-rate advantage for PS4.

Further testing also showed a "stuttering" problem in the Microsoft console.

"On top of this, Xbox One is unique in its suffering of a stuttering issue, halting the game experience for up to a second during play," Digital Foundry reported. "It's a glaring hitch downward, and matching runs to the gates of Diamond City shows Xbox One dropping to a record 0fps (zero) while PS4 turns the same corner at 28fps."

The report continued that the Xbox One game had noticeable hitches walking around, cut-scenes or even reaching for a weapon that hasn't been used for a while. The problem ranged from a split-second stutter to a longer delay that can disrupt the game flow, sometimes even paired with a delay in sound effect.

"On repeat tests we were taken aback by disparity we saw," Digital Foundry said. "Even on multiple re-tests, using the same enemies, weather and lighting conditions, each Xbox One console we try has similar, and obvious issues streaming in data effectively - where it doesn't manifest to nearly the same extent on PS4."

While the Sony console often offered a "smoother return," the PS4 can experience a drop in frame-rate when the player is involved in shootouts with heavy transparency effects such as in Deathclaw conflicts.

"On balance though, PS4 is in the better shape as terms of consistency across the game; it has nothing close to the stuttering seen on Xbox One, and a better frame-rate in big towns and cities as well," Digital Foundry concluded. "Xbox One has a repeatable advantage in the Deathclaw battle, where effects clash heavily, but in most scenarios we get matching, or superior results on PS4."

Meanwhile, the "Fallout 4" on PC reportedly offered quality on par or even better than console gaming.

"Fallout 4" debuted well with the critics with current Metacritic scores of 89 for PC, 89 for PS4 and 91 for Xbox One.