The jailbreak community was able to create a jailbreak solution for iOS 9, but now they are looking for ways to create a jailbreak tool for the current iOS 9.1 and the upcoming iOS 9.2.

It looks like hackers and jailbreakers are hard at work to create a jailbreak tool for both iOS 9.1 and iOS 9.2 and they are on schedule to have both released before the end of 2015, Neurogadget reports.

The Pangu jailbreak team was able to develop the iOS 9 jailbreak tool. This tool allowed users who had iOS 9.0.1 or 9.0.2 on their iPhone or iPad to jailbreak their device.

When Apple released iOS 9.1, it patched the Pangu 9 Jailbreak, repairing all of the vulnerabilities that were exploited in the jailbreak tool. This means that anyone who upgraded to iOS 9.1 would lose their jailbreak because they would not be able to downgrade back to iOS 9.0.2. If users running iOS 9 want to upgrade to iOS 9.1, they should wait until a successful iOS 9.1 jailbreak is developed.

There is currently a partial jailbreak solution available for iOS 9.1 called Semi Jailbreak. Users will need the Semi Jailbreak online script and a TaiG beta tool. This is not an adequate solution for a jailbreak since the TaiG 9 Jailbreak is not yet ready for public release.

Jailbreak followers believe that the Chinese team Pangu is capable of producing a jailbreak tool for both iOS 9.1 and iOS 9.2. They think that the team will be ready to release the tool by the end of the year, or by the first quarter of 2016 at the very latest.

An anonymous team has claimed a $1 million prize for successfully jailbreaking iOS 9 with remote access. However, it is likely that this team will keep their jailbreak to themselves.

Apple is continuing to make its iOS operating system more secure with each update. The next major iOS release will be iOS 10 and that will probably come some time in 2016.