Some new iPhone 6s owners are not having a smooth transition from their old iPhones to the new one. Many users are reporting loss of data when trying to move their data over from an older iPhone to the iPhone 6s.

Reports are surfacing on the Apple Support Community for the iPhone 6s regarding missing data, iPhone Hacks reports.

When iPhone 6s users try to get their new phone set up, they find that they are missing data during the restore process. Users are also reporting that their Health data and Safari browsing data is also missing when they perform an iCloud restore.

Many users say that their old device was running iOS 9.0.1 or iOS 9.1 before they switched over to the iPhone 6s. The iPhone 6s starts off with iOS 9 right out of the box, which means the two phones are not running the same versions of the operating system. This could lead to the failed data restores.

Other users think it is Apple's fault for their loss of data. They blame Apple for having corrupt backups and restoration files in iCloud.

There is no known fix that will guarantee no loss of data yet. Some on the Apple Support Community have suggested that users make sure that their old iPhone and their new iPhone 6s are currently running the same version of iOS. Alternatively, users can perform an iTunes local backup on their computer, instead of an iCloud restore.

Apple is aware of the problems that many users are facing. They said they are working on a fix to make sure that data loss stops happening. It is unknown when the fix will be released to affected users.

Apple Insider reported that users were also losing their messages and recent calls when restoring on iCloud for the iPhone 6s.