Following his small role and producer credit in the film "The Big Short," seasoned Hollywood actor Brad Pitt has expressed outrage toward the finance industry for their complicit maneuvering in the 2008 financial crisis from which they profited.

According to People, the actor said he was angry after he read the book the film is based on.

To make a long story short, the film and the book, is about the insiders who predicted the coming 2008 financial crisis and took action that would make them money when the event finally came to fruition. It basically exposed the players within the game who could have taken actions to prevent it, but chose to profit from it instead without any accountability.

"Families were put on the street, they lost their life savings, and yet no one was held accountable," Pitt told People at the premiere in New York. "No senior official was held accountable. That's amazing."

But he did not stop there. He was able to see that the practices that led to the meltdown of the banks, which were later bailed out by U.S. taxpayers, have not changed since the recovery.

"There's something seriously wrong, you talk to the experts now and they say nothing's changed," Pitt said. "The entitlement to make money without responsibility still exists, it's alive and well. And the same practices are still going on, only in different arenas. But nothing's changed. That's a problem."

Pitt said the book helped him to understand the complexity of the situation that took place before the 2008 collapse. He said that it was designed that way on purpose so that normal people could not understand what they were getting into and would sign their lives away without really knowing it.

Although Pitt did play a small role in the film, it was stars Ryan Gosling, Finn Wittrock, Steve Carell and Christian Bale that really drove it home.

The film is scheduled for a limited release on Dec. 11 and will be on theaters throughout the U.S. on Dec. 23.

Watch the trailer for the film below: