It looks like the "Star Wars Battlefront" was meant for greatness. EA Games announced that the recently released shooter has marked its place at the top as the developer's biggest digital release. The journey is far from over; there are plenty more galaxies far, far away to explore and the upcoming DLC packs are being designed to pack even more excitement in the adventure.

According to an official post at the "Star Wars Battlefront" website by Patrick Söderlund, the game is not only the largest digital release in the history of EA but also the biggest "Star Wars" game launch ever.

After the open beta made waves across all platforms, it's natural that the hype of the game carried over into the actual launch. But the overall success of a title is not only measured in the splash it made during its release, but the way it's able to sustain the player's interest and the development of the game. From recent reports, it seems as if EA Games isn't planning on resting on their laurels anytime soon.

"We will be adding more of what you love about the game, like new maps and Star Cards, for free in the coming months, in addition to all of the content we have coming with Season Pass," Söderlund promised in the statement at the website. "We'll have more to share soon."

New content is landing as early as next week, specifically The Battle of Jakku, according to a separate report in the "Star Wars Battlefront" website. Players who pre-ordered the game are granted the privilege of getting it on Dec. 1, while everyone else will get their hands on it a week later.

After the Battle of Endor, The Battle of Jakku pitted the New Republic against Imperial holdout on a remote desert planet. In the game, players will be able to experience the actual battle that made Jakku the desolate, war-torn planet it is going to be featured in the upcoming "Star Wars: The Force Awakens".

Aside from this brand new landscape, the Turning Point mode will also be introduced in the upcoming pack. It's a massive 40-player mode that features vehicles such as airspeeders and AT-STs as the Rebel fighters try valiantly to defeat the Empire.

"At the edge of the map, the Empire has constructed a make-shift base as well as smaller fortifications strewn across the landscape," Lead Level Designer Dennis Brännvall explained. "Following an emergency landing, the Rebels need to locate the enemy bases to attack and take control of them all."