Following a short hiatus from "The Last Man on Earth," the show will be back this week with an all-new episode. This follows that point in the last episode where the characters caught a little break and got a taste of their previous lives, if even for a moment.

Episode 9, titled "Secret Santa," will finally be back on broadcast network Fox this upcoming Sunday, Dec. 6 at 9:30 p.m. EST, according to TV Guide.

When it comes to a post-apocalyptic landscape, there is little thought that is put in to time. That means days of the week, months, seasons or even what year it is. But Carol can be counted on to keep track of the little things and bring those joys to the rest of the group. That is, if they are willing, of course.

Most of the characters of the show are only aware of the seasons, if even that much. They are of course in southern California so the snow is not cluing them in. So Carol is the one person that knows it is Christmas time and she wants the group to find some way back to the old traditions for a celebration.

Herein lies the problem though -- not everyone even cares that it is Christmas. When the world died out, so did their Christmas spirit. So how does Carol help them get it back? With a Secret Santa of course.

The group might be less enthusiastic about Christmas, but they always find some way to please Carol. So they all join in on the fun and go along with her game. Each person has to get a gift for another. But those people do not know who they are getting the gift from.

This theme is somewhat revisited since the last episode in which Phil brought back the bull and they all got to sit down for a nice steak dinner.