
Stock Market Earnings Reports 2014: Today's Numbers Up From Last Week, CitiGroup Beats Estimates, Visa Leads Way in DOW

After an awful previous week, stocks are rebounding Monday thanks to March retail sales jumping and a better than expected earnings report from Citigroup.

Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: Latinas Lead in Creating Businesses that Feed the Needs of Their Community

Large California-based companies tend to originate as small-scale operations. These companies, driven by founders with outstanding ideas and access to capital, can grow in just a matter of a few short months when guided by individuals who have a strong vision. More and more apparent is the fact that many of these business leaders and entrepreneurs are not white, nor or they male; rather, they are Latina women who have learned how to thrive in a high risk-high reward startup environment.

'Divergent' Movie Series: Lionsgate to Split 'Allegiant' Book Into Two Movies to Mimic 'Breaking Dawn' and 'Mockingjay'

Lionsgate is taking a familiar page out of its successful movie franchise book and has decided to split ‘Allegiant,’ the final book in the Divergent series into two separate films.

Researchers Argue For Emissions Reduction Amid Economic Growth Concerns

After a meeting of world's top climate scientists in Berlin, they announced Sunday that greenhouse gas emissions soared to "unprecedented levels" between 2000 and 2010.

BLM vs. Cliven Bundy In Nevada: Federal Agency Seizure Of Land Draws Suspicion Of Fracking Conspiracy

Bundy's family and supporters claim to have rights to the land The growing dispute between the U. S. Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and the Cliven Bundy ranch in Nevada is far from over.

CEO Says Blackberry Mobile Phone Company May Make Less Smartphones to Minimize Losses

The BlackBerry phone makers have not seen profits in years. The company may stop making their smartphones in order to curb further loses.

Obamacare Health Insurance, Penalty, Facts & Website: Rates Could Go Up In 2015, But By How Much?

Health insurers reporting first quarter earnings results this week. Although the next open enrollment period doesn't begin until November, the Obama administration and state insurance directors are now asking for next year's rates.

Atlantic City Borgata Hotel Casino Says World's Top Gambler Cheated: Ivey Reportedly Used Card Defect to Win Millions

A federal lawsuit was filed Tuesday against Phillip Ivey Jr., one of the world's best poker players, by the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa in Atlantic City citing allegations that Ivey used a baccarat card-cheating scheme to win nearly $10 million.

Family Dollar to Close Hundreds of Stores: Store Will Recreate Its "Everyday Low Cost" Items

Even the dollar store is struggling in this economy. Because of this, Family Dollar is making some tough decisions.

3D Printer Price, Companies & Reviews: Kickstarter Could Make Smaller, Cheaper 3D Printers An Accessible Reality

The most inexpensive 3D Printer consumers have been waiting for is coming to stores sooner than anyone expected.

Sheryl Sandberg Lean In & TED: Facebook Chief ‘Rules Out’ Running For Office

Facebook’s chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg has denied rumors that she may run for political office.

Tax Day 2014 Freebies: How to Cash In On April 15

April 15th offers freebies. Whether you're getting a refund or sending a check to the government, no one likes filling out all of that paperwork every year.

Herbalife Stock Price & Chart: Diet Supplement Company Stock Drops Amid Pyrmaid Scheme Allegations

Herbalife has gotten very popular over the last few years as a company that sells food supplements and nutritional shakes

Spiderman 2: SuperTicket Promotion Continues As Spiderman Film Nears Release

Regal Entertainment, the largest theater chain in the U.S., is continuing its "SuperTicket" promotion for next months' release of "The Amazing Spider-Man 2."

Gender Pay Gap Bill: Republicans Might Thwart Bill That Could Help Women Receive Equal Pay

What does it mean for the GOP party? How do women feel about it? Women's rights for equal pay could be hindered by Republican Senators. GOP Senators on Wednesday this week attempted to stop a Democrats bill which sought to close the pay gap between men and women.

Parents of Autistic Children Sue Disney Theme Parks, Say Disabled Kids Shouldn't Have to Wait In Line for Rides

Disney may boast that its parks are "Where Dreams Come True," but there are at least 16 parents that would beg to differ.

BMW USA Latest Car Maker to Issue Recall: 7 Series, 3 Series, X3 and X5 Models Could All Be Affected

The German auto maker recalled almost half a million cars worldwide because of faulty engine bolts. Over the past couple of weeks, car manufacturers have been recalling millions of cars due to various defects.

Sprint and T-Mobile Merger Necessary for Both Carriers, Say Analysts

A merger between Sprint and T-Mobile might not just be good for overall U.S. wireless market competition, it might also be necessary, at least according to some analysts.

Batman vs. Superman Movie News: Warner Bros. Moves 'Man of Steel 2' Release Date Up 1 Week

Although Warner Bros. and Marvel Studios are preparing for a game of box office chicken on May 6, 2016, the United States release date of both the Man of Steel sequel and the third Captain America film, Warner Bros. will release its tentpole film a week early overseas.

Comcast's Competitors? Cable Giant Sees Many Rivals in Arguing For TWC Merger - Part 4: Net Neutrality

Cable giant Comcast started making its argument for buying up the second largest cable operator in the U.S., Time Warner Cable, this week. In part four of our series "Comcast's Competitors?" we'll look at net neutrality - a recently troubling issue that Comcast says will be bolstered by its takeover of TWC.
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