
Natural RoseHip Extract Could Reduce and Prevent Breast Cancer

Extract from rosehips, the red-orange fruit of the rose plant, could drastically reduce the development and migration of cells from a type of breast cancer, known as triple-negative, which represents about 10 to 20 percent of breast cancers.

Obamacare News Today: Latinos Increasingly Favor Affordable Care Act, Likely to Influence 2016 Election

U.S. Latinos reportedly have a favorable opinion of the Affordable Care Act, also referred to as Obamacare, the latest numbers reveal.

Obamacare Enrollment 2015: National Uninsured Rate Continues to Drop; Low-Income Americans & Latinos Find Access via Affordable Care Act

The national uninsured rate continues to drop, and this is doubtlessly due to the Affordable Care Act, which has increased insurance rates access among all racial/ethnic groups and prompted a drastic decrease in the health care disparities faced by people of color.

HIV/AIDS Treatment & Cure Update 2015: Researchers Discover HIV Vaccine After First-Ever Human Trial Using Antibody-Based Therapy

In the past, research has been conducted on genetically engineered mice and non-human primates, but a new trial was the first to test antibody-based therapy on humans.

Northwestern University Develops Twelve Mobile Apps to Help Sufferers of Anxiety Disorders and Depression

Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine launched a slew of mobile applications to help individuals suffering from anxiety disorders and depression.

Mexican Scientists Develop 'Antidepressive Chocolate'

Mexican scientists have developed an "antidepressive chocolate" they hope will lift the spirits of patients with a sweet tooth.

Shigella Bacteria: Foodborne Bacteria Resistant to Drugs Found in US; Cases Linked to the Dominican Republic, Haiti & India

This strain of shigella causes an intestinal infection that leads to diarrhea. A foodborne bacteria that is resistant to drugs has made its way to the U.

Becky G Introduces Brother Alex, Talks About Autism

In a heartfelt Instagram post, American singer and rapper Becky G on Thursday introduced fans to her brother Alex, one of an estimated 2 million individuals in the United States affected by autism spectrum disorder, or ASD.

How Coconut Oil, New Heating Process Could Cut Calories in Rice by Half

Scientists have established a new way to cook rice, which reduces the number of calories by at least half with the use of coconut oil--and this could subsequently shrink obesity rates.

Immigration Reform News Today: Ted Cruz Letter to HHS Inquires Undocumented Immigrant Minors’ Health, Safety

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, recently sent U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell a letter concerning the treatment, care and processing of unaccompanied undocumented immigration minors.

Chikungunya, a Viral Disease Transmitted Through Mosquitoes Bites, Lands in the US

Chikungunya, a viral disease transmitted via the bite of infected mosquitoes, is spreading in Colombia and Nicaragua, and it’s made an appearance in the U.S.

Exercise and a Healthy Diet Can Curb Incidents of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Impacting the Latino Community

U.S. Latinos face unique health risks because they're most likely to experience the highest occurrence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The Mayo Clinic indicated that nonalcoholic fatty liver disease could lead to liver inflammation, scarring and irreparable damage, similar to the effects of alcohol, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, malnutrition or cirrhosis on the liver.

Obamacare Enrollment 2015: Study Shows 1 in 4 Latinos Have Not Heard of the Affordable Care Act Health Care Exchanges

Despite the Obama Administration's outreach effort to inform and enroll Latinos in health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA,) a new survey shows that 1 in 4 Latinos still have not heard of President Obama's signature healthcare law.

New Study: Purpose-Driven Life May Improve Health of Aging Brain

Rush University Medical Center, the top-ranked medical institution, recently conducted a study that concluded a purpose-driven life may improve the health of an aging brain.

Obamacare Enrollment Update: Health Insurance Issues Persist Among Latinos Despite Improved Uninsured Rate

Since the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) implementation in 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services revealed 16.4 million Americans have enrolled for health insurance coverage yet the Latino community has proven to be a complex group to enroll.

Ozomatli, La Santa Cecilia Rock Out for Farmworkers' Rights, Students Declare Nationwide Boycott of Wendy's for Not Joining Fair Food Program [Photos]

This past weekend, thousands of students from around the country rocked out and rallied together in St. Petersburg, Florida at the Coalition of Immokalee Workers' Concert for Fair Food. Determined to be heard and get their point across, the students also used the stage as their platform to declare a nationwide student boycott of fast-food chain, Wendy's.

Venezuela News: Mastectomies Increase While Health Crisis Worsens, Doctors Resort to 1940s Practices

As Venezuela cannot afford to repair or replace radiotherapy machines, doctors are forced to conduct radical mastectomies in cases where radiation could help a patient, if it were available.

Disadvantaged Latino, Non-White Patients Twice As Likely to be Misdiagnosed by Mental Health Professionals

Exactitude isn't guaranteed when it comes to assessing the mental health of disadvantaged patients. If fact, disadvantaged patients are two times more likely to be misdagnosed.

Cancer Rates Among Latina Women on Rise, Studies Say

The latest studies show that Hispanic women are becoming more at risk to different types of cancers.

Diabetes Treatment Information: New Health Technology, Research Advancements to Improve Diabetes Management

The U.S. Latino/Hispanic community is predisposed to type 2 diabetes and its relative health complications. However, new advances in health technology and research could with diabetes management, and it could alter the course of the metabolic disorder.
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