Several officials, including the mayor of Nevada City and sheriffs from Orange, Sacramento, and Fresno, claimed it was not the law enforcement officials' responsibility to impose the order.
State officials reported a 178 percent surge in coronavirus cases in recent weeks as locals flock to public places like bars and malls without wearing face masks.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court rejected the request of local residents to require attendees of President Donald Trump's rally to follow coronavirus guidelines, claiming they were not able to establish a clear legal right to the relief they sought.
Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez tested positive for COVID-19 amid the controversy faced by his brother in the U.S. on allegations of drug trafficking.
In Alabama, multiple counties are running out of bed spaces in intensive care units. Multiple nursing homes also suffer devastating blows as residents and staffers get infected with the pandemic.
The country has reported more than 4,500 cases in a single day as the government pushes for reopening the economy just weeks after it imposed a lockdown.
Recent reports show the global pandemic is infecting more people aged 34 and under as California reopens its economy. Experts believe the surge is likely attributed to disobeying social distancing and face mask guidelines.
The steroid, which is affordable and commonly available across the globe, has lowered the mortality rates among patients in ventilators and those who need oxygen.
Recent studies show that antimalarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine did not prevent patients from being infected with the coronavirus. Officials also claim the benefits did not outweigh the risks of taking the treatment.
The US FDA has approved multiple COVID-19 tests at the beginning of the pandemic. However, top medical experts now question the accuracy of these tests, raising the likelihood of them giving false results.
The nonprofit Chicago Group, NIJC, recently filed several lawsuits seeking the release of over 40 detained immigrants. The group’s growing concern was that the pandemic could result in more and more immigrants testing positive for COVID-19 while in detention.
Health officials in multiple southern U.S. states have reported an alarming daily increase in the number of coronavirus cases. Experts believe the surge is linked to the lifting of restrictions.
A Harvard University study revealed signs that COVID-19 may have started as early as August 2019. Though unconfirmed, the research claimed there was a rise in search trends on the disease’s symptoms during this period.
The USDA issued a recall notice on nearly 43,000 ground beef products sold nationwide. The contamination was found during a routine check conducted by food safety officials.
The FDOH scientist fired last May 24 recently said she is publishing her own COVID-19 dashboard and plans to keep it running as long as she can afford it.
The leading infectious and disease expert in the United States said that the prediction by some health experts about the COVID-19 Second Wave is not 'inevitable' if measures are striclty followed.