
Puerto Rico Faces Hundreds of Thousands of Zika Infections

The director of the Center for Disease Control, Dr. Tom Frieden, has warned that the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico could soon face Zika virus infections reaching into the hundreds of thousands.

This New, Mind-Boggling Breast Cancer Treatment Destroys Tumors in 11 Days

A mind-boggling treatment for breast cancer can reportedly destroy tumors in just 11 days, according to scientists. Doctors used two existing cancer drugs Tyverb and Herceptin to stop cancer cells from multiplying.

Gun Mortality May be Down by 90% - Here's How

Those in favor of stronger gun control laws may have a reason to celebrate as there are 3 state laws that could reduce gun deaths. Around 90 percent of gun-related deaths could be minimized if universal background checks on firearm and ammunition purchases and firearm identification would be widely implemented in the United States as federal laws.

Easily Grown: New Species of Plastic-Loving Bacteria Might Solve the World's Garbage Problem

Plastic has been a critical part of our daily life. In fact, we produce several million tonnes of waste every year, which is harming the environment. However, Japanese researchers have discovered plastic-loving bacteria that eat it up, which could solve the world's garbage problem.

Sick Venezuelans are Dying Due to Poor Health Care System & Colombia Border Restrictions

Sick Venezuelans plead for help from Colombia’s medical facilities amid a lingering border dispute. This is despite the fact that the two governments remain at a war.

First Ever Uterus Transplant in the US Fails; Will America's First Penis Transplantation Suffer the Same Fate?

The woman who had the first uterus transplant in the United States had the organ removed despite it just being introduced earlier this week. She had to have it removed due to complications, Cleveland Clinic recently announced.

Obesity in America Caused by Frozen Pizza, Breakfast Cereals; 5 Ways to Clean Up the American Diet

Obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States that affects people of all ages. A new study shows that more than half of the American diet comes from 'ultra-processed foods' in frozen pizza and breakfast cereals to name a few.

Thank Raw Meat for How You Look Today! Slicing, Cooking Animal Flesh Helped Human Evolution

Our ancestor's inability to chew huge chunks of meat and vegetables paved the way for becoming modern humans. The invention of stone cutting tools seems inevitable as the early humans created ways to chop up their food for easier chewing.

Bionic Fingertip Returns Sense of Touch to Amputee Without Surgery

Dennis Aabo Sorenson, an amputee who lost his left hand, was able to regain a sense of touch with the help of a bionic finger. The silicon bionic finger made by a team from Switzerland's École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne also allowed Sorenso to be able to feel different textures.

Lung Cancer Risk Increases With Carb Consumption: Study

A diet rich in starchy and sugary food has been considered the new culprit for increased lung cancer risk, even if he or she doesn't smoke. Foods with a high glycemic index (GI) like white bread, rice, bagels and corn flakes should be avoided in order to reduce the risk of the disease.

Fitness, Not BMI, Determines a Person's Health, Study Reveals

A person's body mass index (BMI) is not indicative of their health status. New research shows that those within a 'healthy' BMI range were not so healthy after all.

5 'Bromance' Benefits You'll be Glad to Know

"Bromance" or the close friendship between two men can help improve their health. A new study shows that there are various benefits brought about by this close companionship.

Type 2 Diabetes Risk Higher in People Without Exercise Compared to Those Who are Overweight

People who are not physically active in their youth are more likely to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes even if they're not overweight or obese. Low cardiorespiratory capacity and poor muscle strength are considered to be long-term risk factors for the disease in adulthood.

Extremely Overconfident People are Likely Bad Decision-Makers: Study

People who are overconfident, especially those who think intelligence is fixed and unchangeable are likely to be bad decision-makers. Overconfidence can lead to overestimation of skills and knowledge and is a well-documented problem for motorcyclists, drivers, doctors and lawyers, according to researchers.

Starbucks Breakfast Sandwiches May Have Listeria; Recalled From 250 US Branches

Several breakfast sandwiches sold by Starbucks have been recalled from 250 branches in the United States. The sandwiches may reportedly have been contaminated by Listeria.

26-Year-Old Recipient of US' First Uterus Transplant is Very Excited to Get Pregnant

The 26-year-old woman who received the first uterus transplant in the United States is grateful for the successful procedure. The woman would have been unable to conceive on her own because she was born without a uterus, but thanks to the operation, she is excited to get pregnant.

Puerto Rico Receives First Batch of Safe US Blood Amid Zika Virus Outbreak

The United States is sending clean blood to prevent further spread of Zika virus in Puerto Rico because blood transfusion is seen as a means of transmitting the mosquito-borne virus. Request for funding has also been submitted to Congress.

Colon Cancer Risk Lower With Regular Aspirin Use

A new study reveals that regularly taking low-dose aspirin can reduce the risk of colon cancer. A new study reveals that regularly taking low-dose aspirin can reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Zika Virus Prevention is up a Notch in Bolivia [Watch Video]

Bolivia is practicing Zika virus prevention with a unique approach -- through a song. Bolivia is spreading awareness on Zika virus prevention through a song.

Donald Trump Unveils Healthcare Plan, Vows to Repeal Obamacare Despite Coverage for Latinos

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump revealed his healthcare plan, which he plans to implement after Congress repeals the Affordable Care Act, also referred to as Obamacare.
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