
Jeb Bush Cuts TV Ad Spending, Focuses Funds on Staff

Jeb Bush's campaign undergoes a major shake up as it focuses its spending more on ground staff and less on TV ads.

Marco Rubio to Support Constitutional Amendment Regarding Congress, Supreme Court Limits if Elected as President

Marco Rubio announced that if he becomes president, he will support a Constitutional ammendement that will limit the terms of the Congress and the Supreme Court.

Immigration Reform News: Marco Rubio Says No 2016 Candidate 'Understands Immigration Better Than I Do'

Marco Rubio talked about immigration reform during a campaign event in Iowa on Wednesday, claiming that no other candidate vying in the 2016 presidential election "understands immigration better than I do."

2016 Election Odds: Bernie Sanders Trails in Race for Democratic Superdelegates

Bernie Sanders has drawn huge crowds on the campaign trail and seems to be an actual challenge to Hillary Clinton in some early primary states. But the Vermont senator is far behind in another key race - the one to secure so-called superdelegates at the party's convention.

2016 Presidential Election: O'Malley Campaign to Sanders: Challenge for More Debates

Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley’s has called on fellow Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders to demand more debates.

Texas Petitions Supreme Court to Reject Obama's Appeal on Immigration Executive Action

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a brief on Tuesday urging the Supreme Court to uphold an injunction that has blocked President Barack Obama from implementing his executive orders on immigration.

Trump Succeeds in Iowa, NH Despite Unusual Style

With his confrontational style and politically incorrect proposals, Donald Trump has already taken the race for the 2016 GOP nomination in an unexpected direction.

George Pataki Drops Bid for Republican Presidential Nomination

Former New York Governor George Pataki pulled out of the presidential race Tuesday after a largely unsuccessful campaign.

Student Loan Forgiveness Program to Start New Year's Eve for New Yorkers

Starting New Year's Eve, New York will allow recent college students to apply for debt relief. Starting New Year's Eve, New York will allow recent college students to apply for debt relief.

South Carolina College Students Describe 2016 Election as 'Embarrassing,' 'Divided'

College-aged voters in South Carolina don't appear to be very optimistic about the 2016 presidential election.

Marco Rubio Secures Endorsement From GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy

South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy officially endorsed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio for president on Tuesday.

Donald Trump Takes Swipe at GOP Rival Ted Cruz's Cuban Ancestry

Donald Trump fired verbal shots against his rival Ted Cruz regarding his Cuban ancestry. Donald Trump just took another apparent shot at his GOP presidential rival Ted Cruz's Cuban ancestry.

Leftist Leonel Brizola Declared National Hero in Brazil

The late leftist leader in Brazil, Leonel Brizola, just became the latest added member in the honorary list of national heroes last Tuesday upon a passage of a law in Brazil, authorizing the inscription of Leonel de Moura Brizola in the exclusive "Book of National Heroes."

Poll Shows 75 Percent of Americans Are Dissatisfied With US Government

A newly released end-of-year poll reveals that an overwhelming amount of Americans are dissatisfied with the federal government and divided on their view of Barack Obama's tenure as president.

Marco Rubio Fires Back at Jeb Bush Over Attack Ad

A super PAC supporting Jeb Bush's presidential run released an ad Tuesday slamming Florida Sen. Marco Rubio for playing hooky during important senate votes to instead fundraise for his 2016 presidential campaign.

Marco Rubio to Kick Off Iowa Campaign Tour

Marco Rubio is taking his campaign to the crucial early-caucus locales of Iowa this week, and the Florida senator plans to crisscross the Hawkeye State on a private plane instead of a bus after wintry weather slowed down the tour's kickoff.

Trump Goes After Clintons, Christie, ' New Hampshire Union Leader'

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump kicked off the week by bashing his Democratic counterpart Hillary Clinton and her husband, his GOP rival Chris Christie, as well as the largest newspaper in New Hampshire.

Former US President Bill Clinton to Campaign for Hillary In New Hampshire Amid Trump Insults

The Democratic frontrunner will be backed by former US president Bill Clinton in a series of organized events in New Hampshire. The announcement was quickly picked up by Donald Trump, who had a few things to say to the Clinton couple.

Donald Trump May Become Target of GOP Rivals’ Negative Commercials for Pricey $2 Million per Week TV Ads

The Trump camp plans to boost the business magnate's presidential bid via an intensive TV ad blitz, costing roughly $2 million per week.

Churches Promise Sanctuary to Immigrants Facing Deportation

Churches are opening their doors to the immigrants as the year draws to a close. As the government expresses its intention to crack down on the illegal immigrants in a series of raids this upcoming year, the faithful promised to embrace the families who might find themselves in need of a place to stay.
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