Scientists found out the year 2016 was the warmest year . Human civilization is the main reason behind the temperature rising & it is effecting on Natre.
A dolphin species named false killer whale found on the southwest coast of Florida. Almost 72 dolphins were dead because they were trapped in the roots of mangrove forest.
Archeologists from Lund University found 3600 years old tomb in Gebel el Silsila. This tomb contains mummies of babies and crocodiles. This place is almost 65 km away from Aswan
Professor Jhon Draper from Aberystwyth University has found a process to monitor health status by testing urine at home. It will help those people who are worried about their diet.
Scientists from Imperial College London has captured a breathtaking view of a soap bubble. They discovered shimmering rainbow patterns and dark spots on the bubbles.
researchers from the University of Manchester has created the tightest molecular knot . This newly created knot is 20 nanometer in size and consists of 192 atoms, with eight crossing points.
Deadly Salmonella Typimurium which causes food poisoning, now going to play the role of a hero. scientists from Duke university genetically modified the the DNA of this bacteria to fight against cancer.
neuroscientists have discovered that the protein Nav1.7 plays a dual role in human body. It is a protein that alarms human body when it's in pain, on the other hand, it also helps to neutralize the pain.
In the recent study of University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) scienttists found out the exact age of the Moon. Report says it is almost 4.51 billion years old, that means it is much Older than it was thought to be.
Six-month-old blood could increase the risk of enhancing blood clots and infections. Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) recommends FDA not to store blood more than 5 weeks.
Recent studies on the shellfishes determine that the rising temperature of the ocean increases toxicity. People could suffer several diseases if those affected things were consumed daily. In razor clams, it was found more than 20 ppm contamination of Domoic acid which is harmful to human health.
Explorer Dr. Belinda Dechnikwas from the Geocoastal Research Group in the School of Geoscience found that the Great Barier reef Almost Drowned 125000 Years Ago. According to her study it was happened due to the global climate change & rise up of sea temperature .
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope found evidence that a high-speed collision of raining exocomets towards th young star, called HD 172555, still in the early stages of planet formation. The star is about 95 light-years from Earth.
Scientists from the University of Basel has reated a chemically modified insulin. Hexamer form of insulin was just broken apart to make it working for the human body. Researchers took Hydrogen atoms and replaced it with Iodine to chsrge up the breaking process.
A new kind of tiny robot that can heal cancer. It was a time when robotics was meant to be a gadget with various arms, wheels, and controllers. Now, the latest invention of science has changed the definition of robotics.
German scientists made the bizarre structure of carbon molecule. A stable six bond carbon structure with hexamethylbenzene was created in 70's. Now scientists reopened the case.
Planet Earth is tending to apocalypse. Author David Meade wrote this conspiracy theory in his book 'Planet X – The 2017 Arrival'. This planet could hit the South pole of Earth but it s hardly visible to see
Walruses found playing with the sea birds . Zoologist from St. Petersburg University, Dr.Andrey Giljov discovered this weird behaviour at the Chukchi Sea near Russia.
Hubble space telescope discovered a megamaser galaxy 370 million light years away from earth. This galaxy containing two cores .each cores are 11,000 light years away from each other
Another mass extinction is going to happen. Cheetah, the fastest animal on land now running faster towards the extinction. Study says there are only 7100 cheetahs left in the world.
Messages to Extraterrestrial Intelligence(METI) is going to establish a contact with the Proxima B. This planet is orbiting the second closest star from earth Proxima Centauri, ehich is 4.25 light years away.
Dr. Michael Levin from the Tufts University in Massachusetts have found a revolutionary technique to regrow limbs on human body. This is kinda similar of two-headed worms.
Scientists proved wrong 7 misconceptions about Science and health throughout this year. There are so many & most common misconceptions about science & health, that believed by people for years.