Articles by Brian Wu, PhD

Brian Wu, PhD

Latest from this author

New Psoriasis Medication Shows Fast Improvement

In clinical trials of a new drug designed to treat psoriasis, the medication has already shown quick and extensive improvement of the disease, bringing hope to thousands of people suffering from the skin condition.

Researchers Send Message to Kids: Drink More Water

New research suggests that more than half of children in the United States found that more teens should really stay hydrated, and the drink of choice should ideally be water.

Clinical Trials for Autism Spectrum Disorder About to Get Underway

The University of California San Diego School of Medicine is about to begin testing whether or not a drug that has already shown to reverse the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in mice will safely and effectively work in humans.

Eating Nuts Could Save Your Life

According to new research published this week, unless you suffer from a horrible peanut allergy, eating peanuts or other types of nuts can actually save your life. Researchers found that eating just a handful of nuts could reduce your risk of dying in the next decade by as much as 23 percent.

Heartburn Drugs May Raise Heart Attack Risk

Millions of people suffer from heartburn every single day, causing great discomfort and impacting what they can and can't eat. Heartburn drugs are designed to relieve these symptoms, but now researchers believe they may come with their own risks.

Chimpanzees Make Tools for Drinking Alcohol Too

It seems even chimpanzees like to party. Researchers have observed chimpanzees in West Africa get drunk during long "drinking sessions," where they drink the fermented sap from palm trees, which is normally used to make palm wine.

Belgian Gives Birth Using Ovarian Tissue Frozen When She Was 13

A 27-year-old Belgian woman, who was left infertile after chemotherapy she had received at the age of 13, gave birth to a healthy baby boy earlier this year after using a groundbreaking procedure that reimplanted ovarian tissue she had frozen nearly 14 years ago.

Mental and Social Activity Can Delay Alzheimer’s Symptoms

One of the many frustrations for both patients and their families that comes with the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is the fact that there is very little that can be done to halt or treat the disease. However, a new study has found that those people who report higher levels of intellectual stimulation throughout their lifetimes don't exhibit the lower levels of protein plaques and other signs of Alzheimer's, compared to those who don't.

FDA Advisory Panel Backs New Cholesterol Drugs

An advisory committee to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has decided to back a new type of cholesterol-lowering drug made by Sanofi SA and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, albeit with a few restrictions.

Autism Risk May Be Influenced By Parent's Age

Researchers have determined in one of the largest ever multinational studies of parental age and the risk of autism that children of teen mothers, that older parents and parents with an age gap of more than 10 years have a higher risk of autism spectrum disorder than other children.

Will You Remember Why Aluminum Residue Is Impacting Our Ecosystem? The Bees Might Not

Bees have been in decline for some time now and it is no secret to scientists and wildlife experts around the world. A recent 40 percent decline in bee populations has been blamed on harmful pesticides and mite infestations, but researchers have now found another troubling threat that could be impacting the bumblebees' cognitive functions - aluminum.

Woman Diagnosed with Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

A woman who traveled from India is currently being treated at the National Institutes of Health for a difficult to cure form of tuberculosis called XDR TB. U.S. health officials are now trying to find anyone who may have come into contact with the woman who had been diagnosed with the highly drug-resistant form of tuberculosis.

Researchers Find That a Stroke Ages The Brain by 8 Years

On top of the already understood effects of a stroke, a new study has found that the stroke impairs a patient's memory, slowing thinking speed while aging the brain by almost eight years.

More Children Are Being Exposed to Marijuana

A new study has found that in the United States there has been a sharp increase in marijuana exposure among young children.

FDA Considers Fate of Cholesterol Reducing Drugs

The United States Food and Drug Administration is currently considering the fate of a new group of injectable drugs that have already demonstrated their ability to dramatically reduce cholesterol, offering a potentially new viable treatment for people who cannot take statins.

Gun Violence: A Shot to Children’s Mental Health

In the United States more than one in four children are exposed to weapon-related violence, either as a victim or witness. Now, a new study has found that this exposure increases their risk for issues with mental health.

Study Finds Genetic Link Between Creativity and Mental Illness

The notion of the tortured artist has become a given to all of us today. The idea states that creativity is fueled by the artists' demons that they wrestle with in the night. And though the common notion has long intrigued scientists, a new study now claims that there may be a link between the two in the molecules of our DNA.

Could Probiotics or Bacteriotherapy One Day Help Giant Pandas Adapt to Their Bamboo Diet?

A group of scientists in China studied the metabolic pattern of pandas, in relation to their food source, and what they found was that pandas aren't like typical herbivores. Their gut bacteria is actually not capable of properly digesting their steady diets of bamboo and, in fact, pandas are more similar to their cousins, omnivorous mammals like the black bear.

Bird Flu Outbreak Spreads to Michigan

Michigan has now confirmed that the avian flu, which has spread across the country in what is now being called the worst bird flu outbreak in U.S. history, has been found in Canadian geese. This latest confirmation makes Michigan the twenty first state in which this latest strain has been found.

Type-1 Diabetes Vaccine Approved for Human Trials

A new promising vaccine designed to reverse Type-1 diabetes has now been approved for a phase II clinical trial by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Eating Placenta Has No Proven Benefits

Eating the placenta after childbirth has become a longstanding tradition in many cultures across the world, including the United States. However, researchers at Northwestern University have found that the common practice does not have any health benefits, and may even have unknown risks.

Facebook Lite Launches to Tap Emerging Markets

Facebook, the leading social media platform in the world, has now launched a new stripped down version of its app aimed at users in new, emerging markets.

FDA Advisors Recommend Approval of Women’s Libido Drug

On Thursday, an advisory panel recommended to the United States Food and Drug Administration that they approve the first medication designed for premenopausal women with low libido, but only if special safety precautions are included.

Newly Discovered Marsupials Do Themselves To Death

Would you die for sex? Two newly discovered marsupial species most definitely would, and do on a regular basis. Two new species have been discovered in Australia that have sex for 14 hours and then die because of it.

Scientists Solve Mystery of Vanishing Glacial Lake

A group of researchers from the United States have successfully solved the mystery behind the mysterious disappearance of glacial lakes in Greenland.
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