Getting to level 999 requires a lot of patience The Flappy bird game was addictive because it was so simple yet difficult at the same time. Well, recently a video emerged of what happens once you get to level 999.
The judges determine the three 'wildcard' entries American Idol has once again opened this year and is now on its 13th season. Season 12 judges Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj bade goodbye as the American Idol family welcomed Harry Connick Jr.
Houston is in talks with both the 76ers and the Celtics Do you remember when you first heard about Jeremy Lin's sudden rush to fame and fortune with the Knicks? According to ESPN there has been talk of the Knicks buying Jeremy Li back from the Rockets.
The exploit allows users to save others' photos Many people have heard of "jail breaking" an iPhone or iPad app to get free rewards or access to otherwise "ocked"options.
Americans at NBC violated the Starbucks ban As many of you know, NBC pays a ton of money to be the sole broadcaster of the Winter Olympics, but how difficult is it to maintain such a huge event? Well, let's just say that it takes over 2,500 people and some freshly-smuggled Starbucks coffee.
The powerful machine is projected to go up in Europe in a few years The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is said to be the longest tunnel created for experimental purposes.
She floats around in a skimpy bikini in the zero-gravity shoot Kate Upton has been on the front cover of Sports Illustrated for the last two years in a row.
Manny is the favorite in a must-win match for his credibility After a controversial match in 2012, Manny Pacquiao and Timothy Bradley will have a rematch on April 12, 2014.
Creator leaves billion dollar franchise to start new company Take Two The guys behind the fantastic Bioshock and Bioshock: Infinite games are suddenly deciding to call it quits.
The disgraced senator left the U.S. after rape and child porn charges You might not have heard of Melvin Reynolds, the former Illinois congressman who was infamously charged with having sex with one of his underaged campaign volunteers.
She was sentenced to death under Sharia Law Many people may have heard about the civil war that is threatening Syria, how there is very little international defense for the civilians and rebels who oppose the government and are being waged war on by Bashar Al-Assad's state which refuses to relinquish power.
In the worst case scenario Ukraine will devolve into civil war After a seeming ceasefire in the Ukrainian protests, today was the worst day as violence between protesters and police have left over a hundred injured and reportedly to be 14 dead at latest count including six policemen.
China sees North Korea as a buffer against US expansionism In a move that was expected by UN officials, China has defended North Korea, yet again -- this time against a report detailing the human rights abuses as crimes against humanity and recommendations to try the North Korean leaders by international court.
Will you embrace the change? As part of Facebook's campaign to support the LGBT advocacy, it has extended its gender identity options from male or female to 50 other terms.
New improvements come to the console version of the game The Minecraft game for the Xbox 360 has become a best-seller, and the newest update for the Xbox 360 version will be including several highly anticipated features from the PC version, which users will recognize such as NPC trading and anvils.
Singapore is among the most pristine, although not cheapest, place in Southeast Asia There are several reasons for visiting Singapore. In fact, this developed country in the Southeast Asian region is considered as one of the top tourist destinations in the world.
The extent of the abuses amount to crimes against humanity, says UN panel United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights has just completed an 11-month inquiry into alleged violations of human rights in North Korea, an issue which is not new knowledge to the international community but one in which finally the international community might take action and do something about the human rights abuses.
What punishment will Chris finally receive for his actions? As her ex Chris faces the possibility of jail time on her birthday, Rihanna shows no guilt for his legal problems.
The newly-single Khloe is rumored to be looking for new love on the show The Kardashian family sure has a way of making heads turn and people take notice.
iPhone 5C is the latest device to get slashed prices Apple has been known over the years to release phones, iPads, and other gadgets throughout the year, and many people flock like birds towards the newest trends.
Miley's new tour kicked off this week in North America Miley is completely unapologetic about her new tour and what she stands for; she intends for it to be a message of liberation for young girls everywhere to be themselves.
Her voice is well-known through a storied Broadway career Idina Menzel is a broadway fixture who was in Wicked and Rent before voicing the Queen in Frozen and singing the masterpiece "Let it Go," which was nominated for Best Original song at the Oscars.
The man left his cell phone with a selfie at the scene of the crime Adam Howe is a young man who has done a lot of things in his life, most of which were the result of bad choices.