Articles by Jose Serrano

Jose Serrano

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Super Saturday Results Show a Cruz-Trump Republican 2016 Primaries Race; Clinton, Sanders Contend for Michigan, Democratic Debate Tonight

Four months from Democratic and Republican national conventions, each party's presidential race appears to have come down to the final four candidates.

Latina Alejandra Ceja Leads White House Initiative to Educate Hispanic Community

Alejandra Ceja is traveling across the country promoting STEM education and stressing the role Latino communities have with young Latino students.

Immigration News 2016: Immigrant Students Allegedly Denied Education in New York School District

A 15-month investigation conducted by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's office found one Long Island School District denied enrollment to unaccompanied immigrant students.

South Carolina Democratic Primary Results: Clinton Win in Landslide, Sanders Prepares for Super Tuesday

Clinton won over an overwhelming number of African-American voters on Saturday, breaking a record set in 2008 with then-Senator Barack Obama.

Iowa Trump Supporters Shout Racial Slurs at High School Basketball Game, LULAC Responds

The Perry High School basketball team played through chants of "Trump, Trump, Trump," aimed at their Latino and African-American players on Monday night.

Who Is Brian Sandoval, the Latino Republican Who Declined Supreme Court Nomination?

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval isn't viewed favorably by many of his Republican counterparts, but his methods and legislative proposals have led to one of the highest governor ratings in the country.

Identical Latino Tweets Supporting Donald Trump Mysteriously Deleted

Now-deleted Twitter accounts purportedly beloning to Latinos tweeted their support for Donald Trump on Tuesday night, minutes after the Republican presidential front-runner had won the Nevada caucus.

A Day at the Nevada Caucus: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and the Latino Vote

Caucus-goers throughout Nevada cast their vote on Feb. 20, many in Latino-heavy Clark County. Based on exit polls, older voters leaned towards Clinton while Latinos and millenials chose Sanders.

Nevada Democratic Caucus Results: Clinton Wins the State, But Sanders Get Latino and Youth Votes

An exit poll released Saturday found Latinos caucused for Bernie Sanders by a 53-to-45 margin over Hillary Clinton, giving the Vermont senator the demographic's coveted vote.

Why the Nevada Caucus Is Important for Latino Voters

Over 194,000 registered Latino voters are expected to participate in the Nevada caucuses over the week, yet their influence may last well into the 2016 presidential eletion cycle.

Trump Praises Pope Francis, Bush Embraces Latino Family at SC Town Hall

While Donald Trump spent time defending attacks on Ted Cruz and former President George W. Bush, Bush's brother Jeb opened up about his bilingual family and his Mexican wife.

South Carolina Republican Town Hall: Cruz Looks to GOP Voters, Rubio Appeals to General Electorate

While Ted Cruz spent most of his time entertaining questions about Donald Trump, Marco Rubio focused on social issues like racism, education reform, and gender equality in the military.

New Super PAC Ad Attacks Bernie Sanders’ Immigration Record

The 48-second ad questions Sanders' immigration reform efforts, citing a CNN interview in which he says guest workers are driving down wages for American citizens.

Donald Trump on DREAMers: DACA Is 'Great' But Gives Disadvantage to US-Born Children

The Republican presidential front-runner, who once hosted DREAMers at his New York City penthouse, said that he wants "dreamers" to be born in the United States.

South Carolina Republican Debate Recap: Candidates Remember Justice Antonin Scalia, Personal Attacks Intensify

Donald Trump blamed 9/11 on Jeb Bush's brother, Marco Rubio said Ted Cruz can't speak spanish, and all Republican presidential candidates held a moment of silence in Judge Antonin Scalia's memory in the GOP's ninth debate of the election season.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Dies at 79, Leaves Question About Successor

The longest-serving judge on the Supreme Court died this weekend, leaving behind a record of conservative decisions and outspoken dissents.

South Carolina Republican Debate 2016: Rubio, Cruz Look to Rebound After New Hampshire Primary

Rubio and Cruz each earned three delegates following Tuesday's first-in-the-nation primary, but anything short of a second-place finish in South Carolina would jeopardize each candidate's chances of winning the Republican nomination.

New Pro-Hillary Clinton Group Aims to Protect Latino, African-American Voting Rights

Every Citizen Counts formed last August to educate minorities about their voting rights, yet they purposely chose to skip primaries and caucuses in order to focus on November's general election.

LULAC Reaches Out to New Hampshire Latinos Ahead of Primary

Latinos are estimated to make up four percent of New Hampshire voters on Election Day, a number groups like LULAC hope to raise ahead of November's general election.

New Hampshire Republican Debate Recap: Rubio and Trump Get Defensive, Cruz Apologizes to Carson

Donald Trump draws boos, Marco Rubio gets shaken, and Ted Cruz takes a shot at CNN in the GOP's last debate ahead of Tuesday's first-in-the-nation primary.

Behind the Myth of Undocumented Immigrants Not Paying Income Taxes

Apart from paying their share of state and local taxes, undocumented immigrants also pay Social Security taxes that they may never get to use.

Religion and the 2016 Presidential Election: How Important is Faith to Candidates?

The separation of church and state is expressed in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, yet many Americans will judge presidential candidates based on their spiritual beliefs.

New Hampshire Republican Debate: Trump Leads, Cruz and Rubio Fight for Second

Donald Trump is still expected to win next week's New Hampshire primary, but his favorability rating has taken a hit following his decision to sit out of the previous debate.

Latino College Attendance Hit Record Numbers, But Schools with Large Hispanic Populations Still Low

Latino college enrollment is at an all-time high, but a new study finds that institutions receiving these students are often public and limited to a small number of states.

Latino Leaders Help Bernie Sanders Make Final Pitch to Iowa Caucus-Goers

Among surrogates joining Sanders in Iowa were former Illinois Sen. Chuy Garcia and Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva, who spent the weekend reaching out to the Latino community.